Elizabeth Warren Stops by SNL to Thank Her Supporters and Insult Bloomberg Again

Elizabeth Warren made her inevitable Saturday Night Live appearance last night, popping up in a rambling cold open sketch that somehow threw conservative lies about coronavirus, Chris Matthews’ ouster from MSNBC, and Warren’s exit from the presidential race into a single pot. The sketch is about as subtle as you’d expect from that shotgun approach, but unlike most recent SNL political cold opens it’s less “miserably terrible” and more “actively boring”—although with as healthy a dose of “completely unnecessary” as you’d expect from the show in 2020.
Warren shows up near the end of the sketch, riffing on that video of her dog eating a burrito, and making a joke about the New York Times endorsing two candidates. Her timing’s fine, there are a couple of digs against Michael Bloomberg (which might feel like kicking a billionaire while he’s down $500 million, but since her destruction of him at that debate was easily the highlight of her campaign, it’s allowable), and she gets to deliver a seemingly sincere “thank you” to her supporters, which, all in all, make this one of the least objectionable appearances by a politician on this show in ages. And then she and Kate McKinnon get to say the thing that the people always say to start this show, and that’s it—the official capstone to Warren’s 2020 campaign. Unless she gets a VP nomination, which, hey, is entirely possible at this point.
You can watch the sketch below, if you’d like.