SNL Mocks Trump and Ken Bone in Second Debate Sketch

Remember that horrible debate last week? Yeah, it was horrible. Straight up “take a bath so hot it just melts my skin off” horrible. We knew SNL would be doing a sketch about it—Rockefeller Center would have to be nuked before SNL would skip doing a sketch about a presidential debate—but some of us here at Paste wondered how the show could possibly find anything remotely funny to say about this miserable debate and the disgusting candidate who’s basically destroying whatever value and respect this country has built up over the last two centuries and change. Like, is it too soon to joke about this debate and about Trump’s candidacy? But then making fun of Trump is the easiest thing in the world because we have all, every single one of us in this country, been doing it mercilessly for almost 30 years now. It’s only the last 18 months where somehow a minority of Americans decided our long national embarrassment should somehow be the guy in charge of everything.
But so they did it: they made fun of the sad thing. And they did it kind of well, too. It made us laugh at times. It will hopefully make you laugh, too. From the depressed resignation of the moderators, to the horror movie recreation of Trump’s stalking the stage, to the cameo from that guy in the crowd who did something we can’t remember anymore and whose name is like vaguely in the back of our head but geez if we can recall it right now—y’know, the guy—this sketch actually finds something funny and maybe even insightful to say about that damnable debate and the perilous state our country currently finds itself in. Take a break and watch it above and laugh for a bit before going back to crying all the time about everything in the world today.