Got Grievances to Air, Seinfeld Fans? This Newspaper Will Publish All Your Gripes on Festivus
Image via NBC/YouTube
Those of us who’ve seen the classic Seinfeld episode “The Strike” remember it fondly for giving us a look at a funny new holiday and the borderline-abusive family dynamic of the Costanzas. What we may not have expected, however, was for the made-up holiday “Festivus” to take such a thorough, lasting hold on popular culture.
The Tampa Bay Times has opened up submissions for readers to send in their best complaints from the past year. This is, of course, based on Festivus’ “airing of grievances,” in which Jerry Stiller’s patriarch Frank Costanza screams at his family about all the ways they have disappointed him in the past year. In the show, Festivus then ends with Feats of Strength, and it does not end until Jason Alexander’s George Costanza can pin Frank in a wrestling match.
And The Tampa Bay Times isn’t limiting its scope to family members, either. You can tell them about anything you want, anything at all, and they’ll publish your complaints. So go on. Let loose. Enjoy a Festivus for the rest of us.
Air your grievances here before Festivus on Dec. 23, and watch the video below if you haven’t seen the episode of Seinfeld in question.