Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look at Trump’s Disinfectant Claims and Falling Poll Numbers

The fallout continues from Trump’s idiotic suggestion that light, heat and injections of disinfectant could somehow help defeat the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the president’s laughable claim that he was being sarcastic, his poll numbers have cratered once again after a brief surge in March, and his public image is as negative as ever. The narrative being pushed by the president and his supporters in the ring wing media simply isn’t true—America isn’t ready for the quarantine to end, and its people know that. A vast majority of Americans continue to support the shelter-in-place measures recommended by actual doctors and scientists, and the nation-wide rallies against the lockdown—which were relatively minor and entirely astroturfed events, and yet still given a ridiculously unjustified amount of coverage by the news media—are deeply unpopular with the general public. This is all obvious to anybody paying attention to the world today, but if you need some help with it all, here’s Seth Meyers taking a closer look at the latest round of life-endangering Trump idiocy. Check it out below—if you think you can handle yet more analysis of Trump’s utter lack of leadership without wanting to bash your head straight through your desk.