Watch Seth Meyers Take a Closer Look Inside the President’s Immigration Advisor Clown Car
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The president, averaging at least a half-dozen dubious actions per hour at this point, recently encouraged border agents to flout immigration laws by barring lawful immigrants and stonewalling any judges who gave them “trouble” (read: did their jobs). Seth Meyers turned that eyebrow-raising tidbit into the keystone of his latest “Closer Look” on Wednesday night’s Late Night with Seth Meyers, unpacking both the Trump administration’s recent hard-line actions on immigration and the decidedly un-dynamic duo advising the big guy on it all.
Meyers hits the latest lowlights of Trump’s questionable-at-best “national emergency,” including the semantics game the “wannabe Property Brother” plays to convince folks he’s building his wall as promised, his fawning over the constitution (which, for all he knows, Nicolas Cage still has in his possession), his desire to “do something about asylum” and “get rid of judges,” and a bizarre recent meeting with border agents in which he praised their looks, then told them his job was harder than theirs in the same breath. The wanton incompetence and incoherence of it all speaks for itself—Meyers simply hoists Trump with his own oranges/origins petard and keeps it moving.
After that, we step inside the admin’s immigration advisor clown car, in which Trump’s “creepiest aide” (Meyers’ words, as well as the words of anyone who has ever beheld this man) Stephen Miller and septuagenarian Fox News host Lou Dobbs are riding shotgun. Miller’s first appearance in the graphic beside Meyer’s head is fittingly accompanied by various horror movie noises, and the host’s bit about a vintage Miller soundbite (“the powers of the president … will not be questioned”) takes the cartoonish senior policy advisor down another few pegs. From there it’s on to Dobbs, whose attempt to pronounce “Guadalajara” on air is truly something to behold—because why would one of Trump’s most trusted immigration galaxy brains, a person he’s “patched in on speakerphone during high-level Oval Office meetings,” know how to speak the name of one of Mexico’s biggest cities?
In the wake of Kirstjen Nielsen’s resignation, these two are among the foremost cruel and incompetent knuckleheads issuing immigration decrees via Trump’s big mouth. Cool time to be an American!
Watch Meyers do what he does best below.