You Need to Hear Seth Meyers’ Scathing Statement on Trump’s Response to Charlottesville

You Need to Hear Seth Meyers’ Scathing Statement on Trump’s Response to Charlottesville

Typically, a post like this would focus on what has become Late Night with Seth Meyers’ signature bit: “A Closer Look,” in which Meyers takes just that at the latest insanity swirling around the White House. But last night, in the wake of this past weekend’s horrifying events in Charlottesville, Va., Meyers delivered a show-opening monologue that, simply put, should be required viewing for all Americans this morning.

Meyers cuts to the quick of what happened in Charlottesville, doing what Donald Trump could—or would—not: saying car attack victim and counter-protestor Heather Heyer’s name, and identifying her killer as a domestic terrorist. He plays a clip of Trump’s infuriating “many sides” remark, and delivers a scathing takedown of what currently passes for our president, even unpacking the term itself to illustrate how Trump falls piteously short.

Watch Meyers’ powerful show-opening statement above, and for a deeper dive with a lot more levity, enjoy his latest “Closer Look” segment below. Find further Paste coverage of Charlottesville and the shockwave it has sent across America right here.

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