Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look at Trump’s Attempt to “Cause Chaos” in the Democratic Primary

If there’s one thing Donald Trump is actually good at, it’s causing chaos. That’s the message Seth Meyers hammers home in his latest edition of Closer Look, where the Late Night host examines the 2020 Democratic primary field and Trump’s attempts to disrupt it. If you want to feel excited about America’s political process, or feel like you can believe in it again, maybe don’t watch this video—or any other TV coverage of American politics from the last, oh, seven decades. Maybe if actual journalists were as committed as comedians at pointing out the lies and incompetence of politicians, we wouldn’t have wound up with Trump in office in the first place. As entertaining as it can be to see somebody like Meyers call Trump out on his bullshit, it’d be a lot healthier for this country if the people who are in charge of actually explaining the news to us realized that impartiality doesn’t mean letting one side routinely eviscerate the truth. Even Meyers gets what impartiality means more than the real news people—he makes about as much fun of Bernie Sanders as he does Trump in this video. Yeah, he doesn’t use the same degree of venom with the Sanders material, but that’s because Sanders hasn’t been a fraction as damaging to the country as Trump has been.
Anyway, check out the clip below, already.