Watch Seth Meyers Point Out How Little Trump Knows About Healthcare
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Last night, Seth Meyers dedicated his latest “A Closer Look” segment to perhaps the GOP’s single biggest obstacle to getting their healthcare bill passed: our dummy of a president.
Meyers begins by pointing out that, although Trump’s term thus far has mostly been defined by its embarrassing missteps, that hasn’t stopped the sentient hair helmet from kicking off his 2020 campaign fundraising. But rather than symbolizing any kind of actual momentum spurred on by legislative success, Trump’s gestures toward reelection instead come off as desperate posturing meant to project false confidence (and make him money). “You know things are bad when, five months into your presidency, you have to tell people, ‘Hey, I’m not going anywhere,’” Meyers says, likening the move to a premature wedding vow renewal. “Who cheated on who?”
Trump, of course, prefers campaigning to actually governing. Meyers underscores how difficult the job of being president can be by showing that the Senate healthcare bill, put together on Trump’s watch, has been found to be even more wildly unpopular than the House version—the bill is polling at just 12 percent approval. “His healthcare bill is an iPhone in a horror movie,” Meyers jokes. “It’s going to hit zero and everyone is going to die.”
Trump’s solution to that problem? Promising “a big surprise” on healthcare, out of nowhere, while hosting (most of) the Chicago Cubs at the White House. “Because that’s what you want when it comes to healthcare,” Meyers deadpans. “Surprises!”
Trump would clearly rather take a page out of the Michael Scott playbook than actually make a case for the bill—Meyers shows footage of the president’s feeble attempts at the latter, which is physically hard to watch. It’s yet another moment where Trump sounds like “a high school student who didn’t read the book, or have the book, or know how to read,” as Meyers puts it.
But it’s okay, because as Newt Gingrich promises, Trump “will be able to repeat it with enormous effectiveness” after someone manages to actually explain the bill to him. That’s what you want in a president, isn’t it? A parrot-person who repeats whatever lines they’re fed? “Just make sure that if you let him out of his cage, all the windows are closed,” Meyers cautions.
From there, the Late Night host delves further into Trump’s ignorance of the details of the bill, the lack of respect he is shown on Capitol Hill, and the utter betrayal of Trump’s voters that the bill’s passage would constitute. He also addresses the tweeter-in-chief’s misogynistic attacks on Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski.
“This healthcare bill is cruel and vicious, which shouldn’t be surprising, because it’s coming from a president who is cruel and vicious,” Meyers says. We can only hope kindness wins out on both fronts.
Watch the full segment above.