Sherman’s Showcase Introduces You to Morris Day, Full House Star, in This Exclusive Clip

Sherman’s Showcase Introduces You to Morris Day, Full House Star, in This Exclusive Clip

With Big TV dedicated to drowning all of us with more and more content, it’s harder than ever to find the shows truly worth watching. So I can forgive you if you didn’t already know that IFC’s Sherman’s Showcase is definitely one of them. This always fun and occasionally brilliant sketch show lovingly satirizes 50 years of black pop culture, from music to movies to TV. Framed as a “best of” DVD compilation of a long-running variety show in the mold of Soul Train and Solid Gold, Sherman’s Showcase wraps up its fantastic first season this Wednesday night, and hopefully it won’t be its last. A single episode can jump from being as hyper-specific as fellow IFC show Documentary Now, as with the sketch about the blatantly Prince-like musician Charade (played by Vic Mensa), to broader cultural parodies, like a series of ads starring Frederick Douglass as a celebrity pitchman. Not every sketch lands, Bashir Salahuddin and Diallo Riddle, who created and star in the show, and their writers have a surprisingly high batting average. Every episode has had at least one instant classic sketch, and usually more.

If you haven’t caught Sherman’s Showcase yet, here’s a sneak peek at this week’s season finale. For reasons that will surely be explained within the episode, Sherman (Salahuddin) has seen his show taken over by Ray J. In this clip from Ray J’s Showcase, Ray J kicks to an ad for T.G.I.M.—the Thank God It’s Morris sitcom block that plugs comedian Rob Haze’s Young Morris Day impression into some of the big hits from ABC’s old T.G.I.F. block. If you’ve ever wanted to hear Morris Day as the voice of the baby from Dinosaurs, here’s your chance.

Sherman’s Showcase airs on IFC TV at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11.

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