SNL Basically Shares What Everybody Thinks of Trump Supporters

Part of the “fun” of Donald Trump’s embarrassing and depressing presidential campaign is watching the car crash antics of some of his television surrogates. Of course we all know Katrina Pierson, the bullet necklace-wearing tea partier and Trump spokesperson who infamously said “So what, they’re Muslim” on a live TV “news” program when asked about Trump’s plan to bar Muslims from entering America, and who is clearly using politics as a stepping stone for a basic cable reality show that involves a lot of slapping. And then there’s Adriana Cohen, the Boston Herald columnist who accused a Cruz supporter of having an affair with him live on CNN. Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was arrested last week for assaulting that Breitbart reporter earlier in March. When your official representatives are this unhinged, how is it any surprise when rank and file supporters threaten and commit violence against protesters?
This video from last night’s SNL sums up what everybody who doesn’t work for or plan on voting for Trump thinks about him and his supporters, while also tearing into his frequent misogyny and tacit approval of violence. We could do without the southern accent on Cecily Strong’s Trump spokesperson, but when it comes to the content of the piece, it reinforces something that comedy shows like this have been wrestling with throughout the entire Trump candidacy: how do you find humor in a campaign that is already more ridiculous than anything most writers could think up? SNL tries again with this clip, and doesn’t do that bad of a job. Watch for yourself above.