Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Is Returning to SNL

Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Is Returning to SNL

Alec Baldwin is coming back to TV to make political impersonations great again. Even with an administration rife with larger-than-life characters practically begging to be impersonated—Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer being a perfect example—Baldwin’s Donald Trump SNL sketches have been a true highlight. As SNL returns for its 43rd season, Baldwin’s Trump will definitely be making an appearance.

Baldwin doesn’t want to overdo the character, but the record-breaking 17-time SNL host told CNN that next season, we’ll get “a couple celery sticks” of a painted-orange Baldwin, rather than a “whole meal.” The actor also noted that his busy schedule would get in the way of too many impersonations, but he recognizes that people have enjoyed his caricature of a man who is himself a caricature of a man.

Watch a few Baldwin’s past great Trump moments here and here. You can also revisit the debut of his Donald impersonation below.

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