Real Companies Actually Tweeted These Things On Star Wars Day
Star Wars opened in theaters on May 25, 1977. It was a good movie! People really liked it, and they still really like it. They like it so much that they wanted to make a fake internet holiday about it, and they got so excited about that fake internet holiday that they couldn’t even wait the three extra weeks until it was May 25. They decided to make the fake internet holiday fall on May 4, so that they can say “May the Fourth be with you!” That’s a pun and a reference to a Star Wars thing, and people like puns almost as much as they like Star Wars things, even when the puns are really bad. As soon as people did this companies hopped on board and started using Star Wars Day and May the Fourth to sell things to people, which all builds up to where we are today, with May 4 being perhaps the most interminable day on the internet, where almost every day is already interminable. It’s so cool that computers have made this possible.
This is not a comprehensive collection of tweets from companies riffing on Star Wars Day. For that go to Twitter. This is merely a sampling of what happens on the internet in the year 2015 when companies want to exploit the enduring popularity of a 40-year-old movie to sell you toilet paper and pizza-related food products.
What are you doing!? We said use your powers for GOOD!
— MLB GIFS (@MLBGIFs) May 4, 2015
If Yoda ??’d apps, he would love “Do… Or do not. There is no try.”
— App Store (@AppStore) May 4, 2015
Flashlights or light sabers-make sure your emergency kit includes a battery-operated light source
— CDC Emergency (@CDCemergency) May 4, 2015
So Vader’s a southpaw, huh?
— MLB (@MLB) May 4, 2015
Coming soon.
— New Era Cap (@NewEraCap) May 4, 2015
Use the fork
— IHOP (@IHOP) May 4, 2015
#MayThe4thBeWithYou! Artist Bill Viola filmed part of this video in Tunisia (aka Tatooine).
— Museum of Modern Art (@MuseumModernArt) May 4, 2015
????: knock knock ????: who’s there? ????: yoda ????: yoda who? ????: YODA BEST ????: d’awww #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— DiGiorno Pizza (@DiGiornoPizza) May 4, 2015
Cook safe and
— USDA Food Safety (@USDAFoodSafety) May 4, 2015
“Judge me by my size, do you?”
— Tim Hortons (@TimHortons) May 4, 2015
I am your lobstah.
— Red Lobster (@redlobster) May 4, 2015
#MayThe4thBeWithYou, @WWEUniverse! Superstars are celebrating @StarWars Day lightsaber style:
— WWE (@WWE) May 4, 2015
Whataburger represents all that is good in the universe.
— Whataburger® (@Whataburger) May 4, 2015
When it comes to Waffle Fries, use the Force. #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Chick-fil-A, Inc. (@ChickfilA) May 4, 2015
That’s no moon…
— Burger King UK (@BurgerKingUK) May 4, 2015
Darth Vader’s theme song, ‘The Imperial March’, is 103 beats/min. Great for keeping time in CPR.
— American Heart Assoc (@American_Heart) May 4, 2015
“Nap or do not nap. There is no try.” Pippi is channeling her inner Yoda today.
— Purina Cat Chow (@CatsOutOfTheBag) May 4, 2015
And now, your highness, we will discuss the location of your hidden rebel base…
— Petplan Insurance (@Petplan) May 4, 2015
Happy Star Wars Day!
— Long John Silver’s (@longjohnslvrs) May 4, 2015
#MayThe4thBeWithYou on the greatest of all days…
— Red Vines (@RedVines) May 4, 2015
Some things were never meant to go to the dark side.
— Pete Zaroll (@totinos) May 4, 2015
If these were in a galaxy far, far away, we’d have intergalactic unrest too.
— White Castle (@WhiteCastle) May 4, 2015
These aren’t the buns you’re looking for…
— Charmin (@Charmin) May 4, 2015
Use the fares, Luke. #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Southwest Airlines (@SouthwestAir) May 4, 2015
Getting hungry? Stay on target. Stay on target!
— Chili’s Grill & Bar (@Chilis) May 4, 2015