Stephen Colbert Looks at Dr. Fauci’s Senate Testimony and Bernie’s Red Hot Chili Peppers Fandom

Stephen Colbert Looks at Dr. Fauci’s Senate Testimony and Bernie’s Red Hot Chili Peppers Fandom

Yesterday’s Senate hearing about the coronavirus basically repeated what everybody who’s been paying attention to medical experts already knew: this pandemic isn’t over yet, the death toll is almost definitely higher than has been reported, and it’s way too early to end the quarantine and try to return to normal. In other words, it contradicted the message that Trump and Republicans have been pushing for weeks. Dr. Anthony Fauci wasn’t the only expert who was grilled by the Senate—he was one of four—but as the nation’s preeminent immunologist, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the only guy in the hearing to be played by Brad Pitt on Saturday Night Live, he understandably commanded the spotlight, humbly expounding on why it’s dangerous to act like the threat is over. If you can still handle watching the news, we recommend you go watch the whole hearing. It’s gotta be online somewhere, right?

If you’re like us, though, and would rather coat your anger and frustration with some jokes to make ‘em go down easier, just watch this video from last night’s episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Is it informative? Not really. Is it funny, at least? I mean, kind of. Sure. Why not! Colbert is still charming and likable even when his material isn’t the best, and somehow even when he’s doing an ill-advised impression of Bernie Sanders singing Red Hot Chili Peppers songs. Look, it’s not like you’ve got much else to do during all of this, so just go ahead and click play and watch the thing, okay?

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