Stephen Colbert Says James Comey Didn’t Get Pranked, He Got “Trump’d”
Image via CBS/YouTube
We’re all still reeling from the fact that the President of the United States of America recently fired the FBI Director while he was still under investigation, which is some shady shit. While it’s not surprising that Trump actually fired James Comey (because honestly, at this point, what can surprise us about that man?), it is slightly, and only slightly, surprising how he did it. Reportedly, Comey thought it was a prank because he saw it on the news. The freaking news. Well, according to Stephen Colbert, Comey didn’t get pranked. He got “Trump’d.”
In a pretty great opening monologue, Colbert laid out all of the absolutely bananas angles to this whole situation. He covers a lot of ground here, starting off with renaming the Department of Justice as the Department of Justification—seems like a good move. He then goes on to talk about the comparisons to Nixon’s Watergate scandal, which the Richard Nixon Library Twitter was sure to respond to. Sheesh.
FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired the Director of the FBI
— RichardNixonLibrary (@NixonLibrary) May 9, 2017
Although, the best part is probably when Colbert gets to that eye-roll-heard-’round-the-world from Anderson Cooper, saying, “Did you catch that? He couldn’t possibly show more contempt than that. Wait, I’m being told that he can,” which then segues into a stupid little animation where Anderson rolls his eyes and removes them from his eye sockets to be rolled in a Bingo ball cage, a drill bit and one of those nasty hot dog rollers. Classic.
Check out the segment above, and find Seth Meyers’ take on the Comey fiasco here.