Stephen Colbert Has a Hot Take on the New HBO Version of Sesame Street

Stephen Colbert’s hot takes are totally legit because, like many hot take artists around the Internet, he has essentially no idea what he’s talking about. They’re totally hilarious because, unlike most of said hot-takers, he admits that he’s clueless. Hot takes are all about spreading a strong opinion, with or without any kind of solid factual foundation.
On Late Night yesterday, he had some new targets lined up for his cold, hard, truth-telling. The first was Sesame Street, which moving to HBO and getting a few upgrades—Oscar is now in a compost bin, for one, and Big Bird has a tree house with Wifi. But as Colbert points out, one thing won’t change with the transition—Grover will still exhibit full frontal nudity.
After sending his heat missiles to HBO, Colbert spends a few minutes taking on nature, which is apparently going to hell because of A-Rod’s bathroom habits. Watch the clip above.