Stephen Colbert Taunts Former CBS Boss Les Moonves over Severance Check
Image via CBS
Stephen Colbert mocked his former boss, the ex-CBS CEO Les Moonves, on Tuesday night’s episode of The Late Show.
On Monday, CBS concluded a lengthy investigation into sexual harassment allegations made against Moonves. The corporation announced that Moonves would not receive his $120 million severance check.
“I think our network has the perfect sound effect for this,” Colbert said, tooting The Price is Right’s famed losing music.
Colbert went on to question what will happen to the money set aside for Moonves’ severance package. “I’m pretty sure it goes to me,” the host joked. “I get half of it, the other half goes to Tom Selleck’s mustache.” (Selleck is known for his role as NYPD Commissioner Frank Reagan in the hit CBS crime drama Blue Bloods and, naturally, for his mustache.)
When Moonves was accused of sexual misconduct, CBS hired a team to investigate the allegations made against him. Colbert ridiculed Moonves for thinking that he could get away with misconduct.
“Every show he’s greenlit for the last 20 years was about investigations,” Colbert noted. “On the bright side, CBS has enough material for a new program: NCIS: Human Resources.”
Arguably his best quip of the night, The Late Show host continued: “What job could a famous TV billionaire with sexual assault allegations possibly get—oh, my god!” A jab at President Donald Trump, Colbert added: “He’d still be better.”
Colbert was hired by Moonves to succeed David Letterman as host of CBS’ The Late Show. The comedian has weighed in on the Moonves situation previously, noting in July that Moonves was “my guy.” “Everybody believes in accountability until it’s their guy, and make no mistake: Les Moonves is my guy,” Colbert said at the time. “Accountability is meaningless unless it’s for everybody, whether it’s the leader of a network or the leader of the free world.”
Watch the full segment below.