Stephen Colbert Goes Live After the Debate, Rubs His Emmys in Trump’s Face
Images via CBS/YouTube
During Wednesday night’s final presidential debate, Donald Trump’s rhetoric about a rigged election was understandably discussed. Hillary Clinton argued that this is what Trump does when he’s losing, even bringing in several instances in which he didn’t win an Emmy for The Apprentice and argued that the awards were rigged against him.
On Wednesday’s Late Show, which was live following the debate, Stephen Colbert took a moment to remind Trump that while he may not have any Emmys, Colbert has a few. During his opening monologue, Colbert decided to bring them out, saying, “You really should get one, they’re fantastic.”
Not to worry, though. This year, Colbert thinks Trump could finally win an Emmy. “Trump lost to The Amazing Race. This year, it could go to the amazing racist,” Colbert said.
Colbert’s monologue also touched on the moment in the debate when Trump refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election, saying he would “keep us in suspense.” “Democracy’s going to end with a cliffhanger,” Colbert said, barely holding back his anger. “I guess we’re all going to have to wait until Nov. 9 to find out if we still have a country.”
Check out the full clip above to see Colbert play with puppets.