Watch Stephen Colbert Try to Stop Steve Martin from Playing “We Are the World”

Hollywood icon Steve Martin just wants to help us heal. That’s why he grabbed his guitar, walked out into the woods, and learned at least the first four words to “We Are the World.”
Stephen Colbert, meanwhile, just wants to preserve our sanity. That’s why he’s trying to stop Steve Martin from playing “We Are the World” by any means necessary.
I love this clip from The Late Show because of what it’s not—namely, political. Yeah, it’s important to stay on top of things and call out what needs to be called out, but it’s so exhausting and depressing to do that every single day. I’m sure Colbert had a smart and funny monologue about everything that’s happening and the guy in power who’s making it worse, but let’s take a break from that for today and instead focus on this beautiful bit of silliness. Leave it to Steve Martin to create virus-era comedy that is still light and goofy, while also continuing his career-long commitment to puncturing the self-importance of Hollywood.
Check out the clip below, and never forget: we are the ones that make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.