Watch “Stephen Colbert” Make an Appearance on The Late Show to Say Goodbye to Obama
Image via CBS/YouTube
On the last night of Obama’s presidency, many were honoring the legacy of the man who has held the office for the past eight years. On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Colbert posed an excellent challenge, saying, “Anyone who can sum up the last years in a couple of minutes, is a delusional egomaniac.” Enter Stephen Colbert’s “Stephen Colbert.” “Did someone say delusional egomaniac?”
The former host of The Colbert Report came marching onstage to perform a segment, wielding Captain America’s shield and Sting, Frodo’s sword from The Lord of the Rings. In his segment, “The Werd,” he boiled it down to saying, for the last time, “Thanks, Obama.” It ran from a pretty great satire to a poignantly emotional nod to what “Colbert” once considered a great adversary, reminding him of “what guys like me really stood for: the opposite of whatever you said.”
It’s an interesting appearance for a number of reasons, but mostly because Colbert got in trouble for including his character in a segment before. To make corporate lawyers happy, the previous appearance was described as his “identical twin cousin,” and this one includes some similar trickery. It may be confusing, but such are the whims of corporate lawyers.
Check out the video above.