Submit to 50 Shades of Buscemi

Submit to 50 Shades of Buscemi

There is a movie coming out this weekend called 50 Shades of Grey. It is based on a popular series of books. Perhaps you have heard of them. Your wife or mother definitely have. The movie stars Melanie Griffith’s daughter and some Irish hunk and sounds like late night Cinemax material for ladies.

It’s too bad that we’re getting 50 Shades of Grey in our multiplexes this weekend and not Boo Ya Pictures’ 50 Shades of Buscemi. Anybody who watched Boardwalk Empire knows that Buscemi’s sex scenes are some of the most erotically charged in film history, far more powerful than anything the Huntsman from Once Upon a Time could pull off. Sadly the trailer above is probably the closest we’ll ever get to seeing this piece of sensual magic.

Anyway, take a look and let us know what movie you’d rather take your loved one to this Valentine’s Day weekend.

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