The Funniest Taylor Swift Tweets and Memes
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Last night I looked at Twitter a few times to see what was happening in the world and all I found was 18 billion words about Taylor Swift’s new song.
The most amazing thing about the 21st century is how many opinions there are. You all have one! Sometimes even more than one. It’s shocking. Especially when it’s about Taylor Swift, or her new song, which is called “Look What You Made Me Do,” and which I, as a man of a certain age, am in no way qualified to discuss in any way whatsoever. It is certainly a song that exists. It’s a thing people can listen to, with their ears. Yep.
Not everybody on the internet is a man of a certain age, though. There are people out there who are absolutely qualified to discuss Taylor Swift, or other matters that don’t concern men old enough to remember how moved they were by the series finale of M.A.S.H. And those people did exactly that! As I mentioned above, the internet was absolutely lousy with Taylor Swift jokes and reactions last night, and it’s barely slowed down today. Some of them are even worth reading. We’ve grabbed the best of them below. Feel free to mute any word even remotely connected to Swift or her new album or song, and just come here when you need to feel whatever people feel when they make jokes about pop stars.
Oh, and if you want to hear the song yourself, here it is:
Hey, look, this is better than pivoting to video, okay?
Original title of “Look What You Made Me Do” was “I Don’t Want to Shake It Off This Time, MOM.”
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) August 25, 2017
Taylor Swift tracks
1. Snake It Off
2. Stop Saying I Voted For Trump
3. Celebrity (NSYNC cover)
4 The Media, Baby!
5. Ok Fine I Voted Trump— Zach Schonfeld (@zzzzaaaacccchhh) August 23, 2017
“if he hit it right, I might take his ass to Arby’s.”
— Ziwe (@ziwe) August 25, 2017
Look What You Made Me Do
— Kendra W? (@kendrawcandraw) August 25, 2017
Boy ignores me and so I send him 1000 texts in a row
ME: taylor swift voice LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) August 25, 2017
Look what you made me do? ????
— Uh Oh Another Bot™ (@TimDuffy) August 25, 2017
Listening to the new Taylor Swift single and I feel like I owe Arcade Fire an apology.
— Steven Hyden (@Steven_Hyden) August 25, 2017
i don’t think there’s been a piece of comedy in the last ten years that is funnier than taylor swift‘s new single and edgy rebrand
— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) August 25, 2017
When Taylor Swift sings “I don’t trust nobody/and nobody trusts me” in the new song, it’s like, that is called being an asshole
— Eli Yudin (@eliyudin) August 25, 2017
Does that new Taylor Swift song remind you of something?
Yes, the death of culture.— THE PYRAMID (@robertflorence) August 25, 2017
I had this bad dream where Taylor Swift released a single that was like if a myspace bulletin about “fake people” was a Right Said Fred song
— Alex Perry (@Yelix) August 25, 2017
Can’t wait to hate this new Taylor Swift song, then hear it 600 times on the radio, then find myself humming along to it sometime in 2018.
— Dan Wilbur (@DanWilbur) August 25, 2017
I know this 100% wont happen. But I’m sleeping with one eye open just in case Taylor Swift comes over to murder me.
— Christian Becker (@TheAmazingBeck) August 25, 2017
This was the moment Taylor Swift became President.
— Christian Becker (@TheAmazingBeck) August 25, 2017
Taylor Swift just got to the Dark Willow episodes of buffy
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) August 25, 2017
RIP Taylor Swift I guess, I don’t know him but my white friends seem affected so I’m sorry for your loss.
— Ronald Funches (@RonFunches) August 25, 2017
As a white person, I understand how devastating it can be to have someone hire dancers that you’ve also hired. It’s brutal.
— Cole Escola (@ColeEscola) August 25, 2017
As someone prone to extreme secondhand embarrassment, I’m finding this new Taylor Swift era to be nearly unbearable.
— Louis Peitzman (@LouisPeitzman) August 25, 2017
Taylor swift is just like everyone else: loves getting owned online
— Gideon Resnick (@GideonResnick) August 25, 2017
Taylor Swift‘s insufferable, her fans are insufferable, and people who don’t like her are insufferable. That’s just the way the world works.
— Mark Leggett ??????????? (@markleggett) August 25, 2017
Taylor Swift is dead.
Say hello to… Christina Gaines.— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) August 25, 2017
Don’t always agree with Taylor Swift, but have to give her credit for the song, “Kingdom Hearts is Awful.”
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) August 25, 2017
Bad Taylor Swift is as convincing as Bad Sandy at the end of Grease.
— Desi (@DesiJed) August 25, 2017
Taylor Swift at home rn
— Jensen Karp (@JensenClan88) August 25, 2017
Spare a thought for the Taylor Swift superfans that have to defiantly pretend this new song is amazing
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) August 25, 2017
congrats to Taylor Swift on her debut of a mediocre Peaches impression
— backwash surfer (@rachelmillman) August 25, 2017
What was Taylor Swift thinking? The lyrics for her new song are TERRIBLE:
— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) August 25, 2017