The Funniest Tweets about Ted Cruz’s Trip to Cancun
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
Texas is in the middle of an unprecedented climate disaster, which has deprived much of the state of power and clean drinking water for days. The death toll is climbing, and the full scope of the catastrophe probably won’t be known for days or weeks. It’s also disrupted the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine, prolonging the impact of the pandemic. It’s a terrible moment in Texas’s history, which means it’s also a perfect time for Ted Cruz, one of Texas’s senators, to jet off to Cancun with his family, apparently.
Ted Cruz, of course, is one of the most shameless partisan ideologues in Congress. His national stature was established through the fulsome praise of far right media figures like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, and his naked ambition drove him to cozy up to Donald Trump even after the then-future president had personally insulted Cruz’s father and wife during the 2016 campaign. Basically Cruz’s entire career in government serves one goal: to benefit himself and, in turn, the power brokers of the Republican Party. He probably didn’t think twice about flying down to Mexico while his constituents were dealing with a state-wide disaster.
Unfortunately for him, he was caught. Yesterday a photo circulated of Cruz on a plane headed for Cancun. He eventually issued a statement, claiming that he was simply escorting his daughters down to their vacation before returning the next day to help Texas with its problems. So he basically threw his own daughters under the bus, blaming them for his mistake. MSNBC quickly reported that overnighter claim as a lie, with an airline source telling them that until early this morning Cruz was scheduled to return on Saturday.
Breaking on @MSNBC: A source with knowledge of the situation tells NBC News that Ted Cruz booked his return ticket from Cancun to Texas at 6 a.m. today. Cruz was initially booked to return on Saturday. @NBCNews
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) February 18, 2021
Ted Cruz is already one of the two or three most hated and roundly mocked people in the Senate. (It’s probably a toss-up between him, Mitch McConnell, and Rand Paul.) He was already at the center of the Capitol riot controversy, having been accused of helping to incite that violence. He’s also just generally an unlikable, contemptible dude. So obviously this embarrassment and Cruz’s cowardice at a time of great need for Texas would result in a bunch of really funny tweets. People love dunking on Ted Cruz, and he’s uniquely talented at putting himself in prime position for some of the most merciless dunks you’ll ever see online. Here are the funniest of the ones we’ve seen today. Dig ’em, like ’em, follow the tweeters, and maybe think about helping those stranded and freezing in Texas and elsewhere throughout the South.
It’s impressive that after decades of being shitty @tedcruz keeps pushing himself to be even shittier.
— Danny Zuker (@DannyZuker) February 18, 2021
Ted Cruz’s vacation makes me so mad because it’s so callous to the people of Texas and also robbed us of several more hours of jokes about Rush Limbaugh’s death.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) February 18, 2021
Hey @tedcruz did you give your drink bracelet to another resort guest before leaving?
— Chris Regan (@ChrisRRegan) February 18, 2021
It’s nice to see people like Ted Cruz spending time with his daughter in order to be a good dad, doing activities like throwing her under the bus.
— Riley Silverman (@rileyjsilverman) February 18, 2021
i plan to save the republic with a song parody about ted cruz sung to the tune of smokey robinson’s ‘cruisin”
— John DeVore (@JohnDeVore) February 18, 2021
to be fair this has got to be the first time Ted Cruz has ever experienced people not being happy he’d left
— maura quint (@behindyourback) February 18, 2021
ted cruz to america
— shoe0nhead posting her L’s (@shoe0nhead) February 18, 2021
A zombified Rush Limbaugh staggers along the street gurgling “Cruz good dad…”
— James Urbaniak (@JamesUrbaniak) February 18, 2021
I get where ted cruz is coming from my kids are pieces of shit too
— Alise Morales (@AliseNavidad) February 18, 2021
I love that we ruined Ted Cruz’s vacation. Good work, everyone!
— Mary Kobayashi (@MaryKoCo) February 18, 2021
Being a selfish dick and not giving a shit about anyone else is just Ted Cruz’s way of paying a special memorial tribute to Rush Limbaugh.
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) February 18, 2021
No one should have to look at this many photos of Ted Cruz
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) February 18, 2021
i’m just horrified ted cruz has daughters
— lauren ashley bishop (@sbellelauren) February 18, 2021
[ted cruz’s inner monologue]
“maybe i can say it’s my wife’s fault”
— Asterios (@asterios) February 18, 2021
“It’s actually a good thing Ted Cruz wasn’t in Texas because he’s a useless piece of shit who only takes up resources” is a hilarious defense
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) February 18, 2021
“I would like to apologize to the people of Texas on behalf of my spoiled daughters and ugly wife.” – Ted Cruz
— Johnny McNulty (@JohnnyMcNulty) February 18, 2021
Not a lot is funny right now but what’s happening to Ted Cruz is extremely funny
— ristolable (@ristolable) February 18, 2021
My Children Forced Me to Book an International Flight: The Ted Cruz Story
— Listen I’m Inside OK (@katiemcvay) February 18, 2021
I can’t believe Ted Cruz would let his constituents freeze while he fled to Mexico with his family. I for sure thought he would’ve also abandoned his wife & kids.
— Subhah (@Subhah) February 18, 2021
Can’t believe Ted Cruz flew to Cancun. I assumed he travels through storm drains.
— Sean Thomason (@TheThomason) February 18, 2021
Ted Cruz abandoning his constituents during a crisis for a pathetically self-serving purpose is so disgraceful it makes me think he could win in 2024.
— Morgan Murphy (@morgan_murphy) February 18, 2021
You go ahead and mock Ted Cruz. I prefer to think about the staff of that resort, who will now miss out on dozens of nickels in tips.
— Patrick Walsh (@thepatrickwalsh) February 18, 2021
Ted Cruz right now
— Biden-Harris Malarkey Defense (@BidenHarrisBro) February 18, 2021
wtf was this statement????
— Keaton Patti (@KeatonPatti) February 18, 2021