“President Trump” Interrupts The Daily Show
Images via Comedy Central/YouTube, Gavin Bond
Earlier this month, “President Donald Trump” announced that he has a forthcoming show on Comedy Central that would do “bigly” in the ratings and beat the “failing” Travis Noah and his alternative facts-peddling Daily Show.
Last night, “President Trump” (aka Anthony Atamanuik) stopped by the fake news bastion to set the record straight on Mexico paying for the wall (maybe we tax those delicious Mexican Cokes?), slashing the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent (it’s like a tip, just the tip) and what he’s going to be doing on his new The President Show (a lot of winning). Travis Noah’s made “a terrible mess” of Comedy Central and “President Trump” alone can fix it.
The President Show debuts on Comedy Central on Thursday, April 27, at 11:30 p.m. EST, directly following The Daily Show. Check out a preview of the show here, and find more on Atamanuik’s Trump impersonation here. It’s just terrific.