Watch Trevor Noah (Kind of) Defend Tomi Lahren on The Daily Show
Image via Comedy Central/YouTube
Trevor Noah just introduced a new segment on The Daily Show where he tackles some of the bigger news items that get lost in the ebb and flow of our constantly updating world of news. Honestly, there isn’t enough time to cover everything, so we desperately need something like Noah’s segment, aptly titled “Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That.”
There are some genuinely funny moments here, between the recent airplane ban of large electronic devices from certain countries, the overwhelming whiteness of Judge Neil Gorsuch and the recent suspension of Tomi Lahren. If you missed it, Lahren made Glenn Beck mad after her reveal that she’s pro-choice on The View, resulting in her suspension from Beck’s conservative network The Blaze. This, admittedly, is odd, because there are plenty of videos on Facebook wherein she seems to scream “baby-killer” over and over, all shared by that one guy from high school with the unwavering conservative blood flowing through his veins. But whatever. Noah’s approach is interesting, because he kind of takes a defensive position, and it also sort of makes sense. Tomi simply used a platform to share a personal (and sadly political, because everything has to be) conviction, and was suspended by her conservative bosses for it. Noah said:
If you are a conservative network that preaches day in and day out, “You politically correct snowflakes get offended too easily whenever someone says something you disagree with.” And then Tomi comes out, speaks her truth, says that she’s pro-choice. And then suddenly her bosses go, “Oh, you like choices? How about you choose a new job?” That’s not cool. I was offended by the hypocrisy.
And he has a point, which we may begrudgingly agree with. But what we agree most with was his punchline, which we all saw coming: “I was so offended that I wanted to protest. Unfortunately there is no type of black people protest that Tomi is comfortable with, so … I guess we should just move on.”
Check out the segment embedded above. Also, check out that one time Noah interviewed Lahren while, shockingly, keeping things amicable here.