The Funniest Orb Memes and Tweets
Image from YouTube
The witch hunt continues against Donald Trump, the most unfairly treated politician of all time. He can’t even lovingly caress a glowing orb of unknown, potentially mystical origin in a shadowy room alongside members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family without people making a lot of dishonest, unfair jokes and memes about it. Show us where Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton had to put up with this kind of treatment. You can’t, because other than a few true patriots whose YouTube pages and online radio shows have been sidelined by the lamestream media and globalist D.C. elite, nobody had the courage to hold those three demonic Illuminati leaders accountable. All we see in that photo above is America in its purest virility staking its God-given claim to the entire Earth (although it’s weird that it’s a globe and not a more accurate depiction of the flat Earth that we all know we live on [I mean that’s just science, don’t even try to deny it]).
If you want to know who not to follow on social media during these increasingly turbulent times, here’s a list. Every one of these so-called “comedians” hate real America. Whatever you do, don’t read their filth, or share it on Twitter, or add them to your curated lists of high-quality Twitter accounts. For the glory of the orb, that’s the last thing you should do.
I haven’t been able to catch up on the news but I know there is no way Trump touched the Glowing Orb of Global Islamic Dominance.
— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) May 21, 2017
Trump During the Campaign: “I will NEVER touch The Orb, even though its mysterious glow seduces and beguiles.”
Trump Today:— Nick Greene (@NickGreene) May 21, 2017
Child: do you remember when Trump touched the Orb?
Me: Yes. None of us realized what it would-
Orb Police: HAIL ORB
Me & child: hail orb
— Gödel, Escher, Baka (@jephjacques) May 21, 2017
Ever since Trump touched the orb his arms have been getting longer
— Fred Delicious (@Fred_Delicious) May 22, 2017
[meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, a maintenance worker sweeps the floor and fails to notice as orb pulses and expands by a single millimeter]
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) May 22, 2017
A picture of Hillary touching that orb would have kept Alex Jones in business for years.
— Evan DeSimone (@Smorgasboredom) May 22, 2017
extremely fucked up that twitter doesn’t have a reverse mute so I don’t have to read anything that isn’t about the orb
— Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg) May 22, 2017
Remember when real estate developer Donald Trump went to Saudi Arabia and touched a magic orb that reset the timeline and made him President
— maple cocaine (@historyinflicks) May 22, 2017
SUNDAY It’s just an orb, no big deal
MONDAY Vice President Orb breaks tie in Senate
TUESDAY President Orb signs EO outlawing rectangles— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) May 21, 2017
the orb photo is unsettling
and the uncropped version is a bit more diabolical
but the reverse shot is just straight out of a bond film— David Crooks (@CypherSignal) May 22, 2017
Wow, Trump just hasn’t been the same since he touched that orb
— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) May 21, 2017
every politician is the same. one minute they say they’ll represent you, next they’re lusting for the infinite power of the orb
— j.r. hennessy (@jrhennessy) May 21, 2017
— Sarra Sedghi (@SarraSedghi) May 22, 2017
jeb bush: [sighing] that’s not how you touch the orb
— kev (@kept_simple) May 21, 2017
HANNITY: Trump orders everyone to kneel before the Glowing Orb, and the media loses it
GINGRICH: They fear the Orb!
HANNITY: It’s pathetic— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) May 21, 2017