We Finally Have a Teaser for The Venture Bros. Season 7
Photos via Adult Swim
It’s no secret that we’ve been jonesin’ pretty hard for new Venture Bros. episodes for a while now—so hard, in fact, that we’ve been writing random essays about the connections between Rick and Morty and The Venture Bros. just to keep the show on our mind during its long hiatus since new episodes last aired in March of 2016. The gaps between Venture Bros. seasons have always been painful for the faithful—it’s hard to believe that the show originally started airing back in 2004, and is only hitting its seventh season now, 14 years later.
Of course, in that time, the characters of The Venture Bros. have come a long, long way. The titular boys went from being barely indistinguishable parodies of boy adventurers in season 1 to fully developed, separate personalities, while supervillain The Monarch has had his relationship to the Venture clan repeatedly reshaped and renewed along the way. Storytelling and continuity on the level of The Venture Bros. is incredibly rare in the world of animated TV, and we probably shouldn’t begrudge its creators taking their time in getting it just right.
As for the season 7 teaser below, it doesn’t reveal much about what we can expect from the next chapter in The Venture Bros.—if anything, it seems more like a throwaway joke to us, albeit a funny one involving what appears to be a demonic exorcism of spirits inhabiting the Venture compound in New York City. As ever in The Venture Bros., we can only assume that everything goes terribly wrong due to the general incompetence of one or multiple characters—or in this case, the entire Order of the Triad.
Regardless, we won’t have to wait long for more Venture Bros., as the series will return to the airwaves on Aug. 5, 2018 at midnight. Check out the trailer below, and catch up on 2016’s season 6 in anticipation.