The Funniest Tweets About Theresa May’s Extremely Awkward “Mexican Wave”
Photo by Julian Finney/Getty
Yesterday, British Prime Minister Theresa May attended a France vs. England soccer match with French President Emmanuel Macron in an attempt to remind everyone that she can have fun, too. Things unfortunately went awry when her robot brain wasn’t programmed to perform the Mexican wave, causing her to malfunction.
The Mexican wave is now the naughtiest thing that Theresa May has ever done…
— BigSport (@BigSportGB) June 13, 2017
The incident prompted plenty of memes, most of them comparing the awkward timing of the wave to that of the impromptu general election that backfired when May lost her majority in the Parliament.
This hasn’t been the first instance of May’s recent efforts to appear more relatable. Just last week, she admitted that the “naughtiest” thing she’s ever done was run through fields of wheat as a child—a class one felony in the U.K.* How cheeky of you, Theresa.
Check out the best Twitter responses to the botched Mexican wave below.
*Running through fields of wheat is not at all illegal in the UK.
-And, the humans, do they enjoy this “Mexican wave”?
-Yes, prime minister, they do
-Then I shall perform the wave in the national interest— Katie Martin (@katie_martin_fx) June 14, 2017
One can only imagine the sheer, soul-shrivelling terror for May when she saw the Mexican Wave coming.
— Stig Abell (@StigAbell) June 13, 2017
The moment you realise you HAVE to join in a Mexican wave…
— Richard Conway (@richard_conway) June 13, 2017
— Jonathan Shainin (@jonathanshainin) June 13, 2017
“What a tit.”
— The Sun Apologies (@SunApology) June 13, 2017
“Hands up if you fucked your country over!”
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) June 13, 2017
Mexican wave? Well if that’s what the youth of today are doing
— Kene (@thfcKene) June 13, 2017
Theresa May caught on camera performing a Mexican wave, further straining her relationship with President Trump.
— HaveIGotNewsForYou (@haveigotnews) June 14, 2017
i photoshopped theresa may with really long arms again and I need to stop doing this to myself
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) June 14, 2017
Theresa May doing the Mexican Wave was the worst decision she’s made since calling a general election.
— Not Match of the Day (@NOT_MOTD) June 13, 2017