Watch Tina Fey Explain to How to Get More Women on Late Night

There have been a lot of personnel shakeups on late night television this year, but whether they’re gay, British or fictional arch conservatives, every hosting candidate has had chromosomal dude-itude in common. Fortunately, comedian Tina Fey has a figured out the secret to finally breaking the glass hosting desk: jackets. Visiting Jimmy Fallon last night, the former SNL head writer explained her grand unified blazer theory and her pick for the first female late night host on network television.
“I realized a lot of times these hosts they get their job when they’re 35 or 40,” said Fey, “and they keep them till they’re 65. So I was like, ‘If you’re a lady, what do you wear?’” To the 30 Rock creator, the natural answer was suit jackets. “That’s why I think Ellen is going to be the first person to break through,” she reasoned, “because she’s already wearing jackets!” Check out the clip above.