The Funniest Tweets about Tomi Lahren Getting Water Thrown On Her
Photo of Tomi Lahren and Robert Davi courtesy of Getty Images.
What makes Tomi Lahren so easily memeable? Is it her incoherent political ramblings on Fox News? Is it it because she seems to perfectly fit the stereotype of the kind of woman Fox tends to hire? It can’t just be because she says a lot of racist, mean-spirited and untrue things about liberals, Democrats, and pretty much anybody further left than Sean Hannity—that’s true of so many rightwing pundits and “journalists” these days (and so many Republican politicians, too.) There’s just something about Tomi that makes her an unusually easy target online. Maybe it’s because she’s a woman? It’s possible, maybe probable, that there’s some sexism involved. But some of her biggest critics are also women, and Lahren gleefully demeans feminism and liberal women and would probably take every possible opportunity to deny that sexism exists, so that seems like too easy of an answer. Her ideas are bad and the way she frames them is vile, but then again that’s par for the course for the last two or three decades of rightwing punditry. Maybe it’s because she keeps finding herself in ridiculous situations, in addition to being hateful?
The latest: while eating brunch with her mother in Minneapolis on Saturday, Lahren had water thrown on her by another diner. The outrage from conservatives ran all the way up to the President himself, who long ago established that he has nothing better to do at any given moment than tweet divisive nonsense. Trump’s involvement took a minor story that might’ve spawned a few good tweets for an hour or two, and turned it into a Twitter goldmine that’s been churning out prime nuggets for going on a day now. Glittering new flakes are still being dredged up even as I write this. Take a look at the fine repository of good- (but mostly bad-) natured Tomifoolery below, and then go follow every single one of these folks on Twitter.
“Hey is this guy bothering you” – the President, to Tomi Lahren
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) May 23, 2018
I may disagree with her politically, but I thought it was very impressive that even after being doused with water, Tomi was strong enough to say, “Oh what a world what a world. Who would have thought that some little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness.”
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) May 23, 2018
As much as I dislike Tomi Lahren, I believe it’s wrong to throw a drink at her. In fact, as a peace offering, I think someone should offer her a refreshing glass of water from, oh, let’s say, Flint, Michigan.
— Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff) May 23, 2018
Trump is so much better at responding to Tomi Lahren getting a drink thrown at her than he is at responding to a school massacre. I wonder what could be the difference? Will we ever know?
— Dan Telfer (@dantelfer) May 23, 2018
It’s not a good idea to throw drinks at Tomi Lahren. It’s still not as bad as feeding her after midnight.
— Dave Weasel (@DaveWeasel) May 23, 2018
I think people of all political persuasions can come together and agree that someone throwing a drink on Tomi Lahren isn’t funny — it’s hilarious
— Rob Rousseau (@robrousseau) May 23, 2018
As a child I REGULARLY saw Daffy Duck pelted with tomatoes for the supposed “crime” of simply trying to entertain people, so pardon me if I can’t muster some outrage because that racist ghoul Tammy Lahren got a little water thrown at her.
— 100% Ian Karmel (@IanKarmel) May 23, 2018
I don’t feel that bad for Tomi Lahren because her sister got a fucking house thrown on her.
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) May 23, 2018
I’m a single issue voter and that issue is that Tomi Lahren’s hair should never be slightly moist in anger
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) May 23, 2018
oh no oh no no no I really fucked up sending Tomi Lahren all those peanut brittle jars with toy snakes in them
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) May 23, 2018
Y’all crying for Tomi lahren like she’s never been in rain before.
— Chris Redd (@Reddsaidit) May 23, 2018
Tomi Lahren is a crisis actor
— Jeff Tiedrich (@jefftiedrich) May 23, 2018
[Tomi Lahren gets a drink thrown at her]
Trump immediately: Tomi Lahren is a truly outstanding and respected woman! We are all with her!
[James Shaw Jr stops a mass shooter]
Trump weeks later after much coercion: Ugh do I have to?
— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) May 23, 2018
Don’t throw drinks at Tomi Lahren. She is a person just like everyone else. Sure, she makes money by spreading racism, xenophobia, jingoism, transphobia and actually yeah throw the drink what am I saying
— Dan Ozzi (@danozzi) May 23, 2018
I know a lot of us disagree with Tomi Lahren and finds many of the the things she says reprehensible, but at the end of the day she’s just a human like us. A human who should have drinks thrown at her.
— Michael (@Home_Halfway) May 23, 2018
the president is literally trying to slide into tomi lahren’s dms.
— Hasan Piker (@hasanthehun) May 23, 2018
Can we send Tomi Lahren to Puerto Rico so maybe Trump will pay attention to that?
— albertina rizzo (@albz) May 23, 2018
I dislike and disagree with Tomi Lahren completely, but I believe that whoever threw a drink at her should be ashamed. They had terrible aim and only hit her arm. Next time please move closer
— Jules (@Julian_Epp) May 23, 2018
There is a video of someone throwing a drink on suspected white supremacist Tomi Lahren. But we don’t know what happened before the video and we need to wait until all the facts come out
— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) May 23, 2018
I believe that Tomi Lahren is an extremely vile idiot and the things she says and stands for are evil, but I also believe that throwing drinks on her in public is good. Both things can be true.
— Will Menaker (@willmenaker) May 23, 2018
Breaking: In response to the Tomi Lahren drink-throwing incident, GOP calls for a ban on beverages
— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) May 23, 2018
“Tomi Lahren – I can promise that you’ll never have anything thrown at you in our fine establishment. Please visit soon.” Donnie Stodd, CEO, Racist Fucks Steakhouse
— Jason Gore (@sonicdork) May 23, 2018
Is there a GoFundMe to refill the drink of the woman who threw hers on Tomi Lahren?
— conye stressed (@blackandtanned2) May 23, 2018
Throwing a drink on Tomi Lahren is the new punching a Nazi.
— Adam Newman (@Adam_Newman) May 23, 2018
The only way to stop a bad guy throwing water on Tomi Lahren is with a good guy throwing water on Tomi Lahren
— Caleb Synan (@CalebSynan) May 23, 2018
Maybe the person who threw water on Tomi Lahren was just trying to see if she’d melt
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) May 23, 2018
Imagine giving a fuck about Tomi Lahren’s life experiences
— Mitra Jouhari (@tweetrajouhari) May 23, 2018
That person shouldn’t have thrown a drink on Tomi Lahren but I guess they were all out of turds
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) May 23, 2018
It was either Tomi Lahren or TommyLauren3981273
— Daniel Kibblesmith (@kibblesmith) May 23, 2018
Wait – somebody threw water at Tomi Lahren? Is the water ok?
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) May 23, 2018