Tracy Morgan Talks Crash, Recovery and Comedy Return in Emotional Interview

It’s hard to imagine Tracy Morgan inspiring tears rather than laughter, but it’s easy to see why that was the case earlier today.
Morgan appeared on NBC’s Today show this morning, giving his first interview since the car crash that nearly took his life last June. The actor and comedian opened up about the tragic accident that left him in critical condition and resulted in the deaths of three other passengers, including his close friend and fellow comic James “Jimmy Mack” McNair. Morgan fought to hold back tears while discussing his fallen “comrade in comedy,” explaining that he only learned about McNair’s death after awakening from a two-week coma.
Morgan’s emotional injuries were not the only ones with lasting effects. Pointing to scars on his forehead, Morgan described the lingering impact of the severe head trauma he sustained in the accident, including memory loss, headaches and nosebleeds. “I have my good days and my bad days,” he said. Morgan thanked the caretakers and first responders who helped him survive, as well as Walmart for taking full responsibility for their part in the crash. Fortunately, the legal side of the crash has been resolved, but as Morgan lamented, “The case is settled, but the pain is always going to be there.”
When asked about his future goals, Morgan promised an eventual return to comedy. “Right now, my goal is just to heal and to get better because I am not 100% yet, I’m not,” he explained. “And when I’m there, you’ll know it. I’ll get back to making you laugh, I promise you.” This is great news, especially since at one point it was uncertain whether Morgan would ever perform again. We’ll hold the funnyman to his promise, as the world of comedy is a better place with him in it.
You can watch Morgan’s eight-minute interview in its entirety above.