The Funniest Tweets of the Week

The Funniest Tweets of the Week

In the face of tragedy, Twitter occasionally proves itself to be a salve of joyful stupidity against th horrors of the worlds. This week was a once in a lifetime chance to riff with hundreds of thousands of people about feral hogs while the nation was dealing with the icy aftermath of two horrific mass shootings. It started when a man questioned country singer Jason Isbell’s claim that if you were arguing about the definition of assault weapon anymore you were the problem. Then a hero spoke up.

The internet took his legit question and ran with it. Hundreds of thousands of people Tweeted jokes about feral hogs. It was pure. It was stupid. It was one of the oddest cases of traumatized people shit posting in the face of horror. We thought long and hard about how many feral hogs Tweets to add this week. In the end we only chose a few. Because ultimately, the magic of feral hogs was in the moment of discovery. If you weren’t there when 30 to 50 feral hogs ran into the internet’s yard, well you’ll never really know what it’s like.

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