The Funniest Tweets of the Week
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
So are we gonna have to start doing the funniest fleets of the week now?
Normally in these intros I run down the notable news of the last week, especially the ones referenced by the tweets below, but let’s chunk that this week. Let’s instead talk about an important issue near and dear to my heart that not enough Americans are aware of today: how every Facebook group about a specific dog breed has become nothing but a daily catalogue of dead dogs. I’m a member of I’ve Got the Cutest Boston Terrier on Facebook, and every time a post crosses my feed it’s exactly the same: it’ll be three or four photos of an adorable Boston terrier, and then a comment about how today was the day they crossed the Rainbow Bridge and got their wings and were sleeping on bacon mountains in Doggy Heaven with their best friend Peppy. The rare post about a new puppy is always drowned out by a dozen or more about how Buster or Max or Gus or Tater just became one with the cosmos. Something I joined years ago to bring me joy has instead become a daily reminder of the fragility of life and how brief our time with our Boston terriers really is.
So hey: tweets! And not fleets. Here are the funniest tweets of the week. Read ‘em, like ‘em, share ‘em, follow the people who wrote ‘em, or don’t do any of that at all. Your call.
Is it because they look like the parents of the hamburglar crime family
— Daniel Kibblesmith (@kibblesmith) November 14, 2020
lol this dude has to carry around juice for the rest of his life
— dan the rock yang (@realDANYANG) November 14, 2020
Hell yeah I’m a PATRIOT
P ay
A mericans
T o
R emain
I nside
O f
T heir homes— andi zeisler (@andizeisler) November 13, 2020
Elvira should host Jeopardy.
— Dave Schilling (@dave_schilling) November 16, 2020
Crazy that some people don’t need glasses and can just rawdog vision like that
— queen joheen (@queenjoheen) November 15, 2020
The Book of Genesis is literally just God inventing a guy to be mad at
— mils imdev (@milsimdev) November 16, 2020
Me on a Zoom call pretending I’m listening and not just looking at myself
— Hannah Tindle (@hannahtindle) November 16, 2020
this man was blasting The Gap dressing room playlist while he was deciding to invade Libya
— SARAH SQUIRM (@SarahSquirm) November 17, 2020
this is a really important point
— Ben Rosen (@ben_rosen) November 16, 2020
My student loans will never be forgiven. Not after what they’ve done.
— Just Some Guy | Black Lives Matter (@Home_Halfway) November 17, 2020
I’m disturbed that I just saw this in another tweet and instantly knew what it was.
— BeaglesResist (@BeaglesResist) November 16, 2020
Whenever I’m on NYC public transit listening to magnetic fields I imagine I’m on the way to a publishing house to get my manuscript turned down
— Ryley walker (@ryleywalker) November 17, 2020
Has my cat been fed? Experts say yes, but hear from the one voice that says “no”
— TurDuckJen (@JenYetAgain) November 17, 2020
Interviewing magicians for your son’s bar mitzvah on zoom.
— Bryan Paulk (@thebryanpaulk) November 18, 2020
This man plays acid jazz piano for wild elephants – and they fucking hate it.
— Seán Burke (@SeanBurkeShow) November 17, 2020
i procrastinate ? i regret
? ?i procrastinate ? i get stressed bc
stressfully i procrastinated— Shen Yuan (@NotCucumberBro) November 18, 2020
I love how in fighting games there’s always one guy who’s just like a normal street tough going up against masters of arcane arts and magic cyborgs and when he wins the tournament of world’s strongest dudes he’s like “oi time for lunch guv”
— merritt k (@merrittk) November 19, 2020
An absolutely epic, unrivaled one-month run for this king. Breathtaking.
— Paul Brittain (@PaulBrittain3) November 19, 2020
Ernie, no!
— Contact Tracy Chapman™ (@TimDuffy) November 18, 2020
Damn I guess this means there won’t be many new hit country songs written
— Jason Isbell (@JasonIsbell) November 19, 2020
Biden should get 16 more electoral votes each time he wins Georgia
— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) November 20, 2020
Imagine having the best possible excuse to not see family for the holidays and then just… not using it?
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) November 18, 2020