14 Under-the-Radar Twitter Accounts Worth Your Follow
Photo via Worawee Meepian/Shutterstock
Do you like to be the person who loved the band before they blew up? I think a lot of us take pride in being able to say “I saw them when,” therefore validating our own tastes. They’re popular now, so you were right, they ARE great!
You should follow these hilarious people on Twitter before everyone else does. When they have 100,000+ followers, you can say you followed them when they had, like, 4,000. If you truly love the band, you won’t be mad when they go mainstream.
Sarah Lazarus
Petition to replace “one mississippi” with “one scaramucci” as the best approximation of the shortest unit of time
— Sarah Lazarus (@sarahclazarus) July 31, 2017
This account is partly what inspired this round-up in the first place. I read Lazarus’s tweets to myself and then insist on reading them aloud to whoever is in my company, which is usually only my cat. He is not only a cat, but is also deaf. Her tweets have been falling on deaf cat ears, and frankly, they deserve more.
Joe Rumrill
Whenever I look up into the starry night, I can’t help but wonder…who was it that stole my roof, and how were they even able to do that?
— Joe Rumrill (@2tonbug) June 20, 2017
Rumrill is a New York City-based comedian and a champion of misdirection. An Annoyance Theatre alum, he treats Twitter like an open mic of sorts. As he said in an interview with Splitsider, “Almost all of my jokes go to Twitter first, because I can just send it there as soon as I think of it, good or bad. I treat it like an open mic for learning what stuff to try at ACTUAL open mics.”
May Wilkerson
thanks iPhone for the “flash flood” warning but a “GOP about to cancel your health insurance” warning would be 100% more useful
— may wilkerson (@shutupmay) June 19, 2017
A picture is worth a thousand words, but a good Twitter bio pic that represents your brand is priceless. Wilkerson’s current profile pic on Twitter is of her kissing her bae; a bottle of prescription anti-depressants. Lena Dunham retweeted May once, which may be the only redeemable thing Lena’s done in the past four years.
Langston Kerman
I love to believe that R.L. Stine secretly refers to himself as “Mr. Scare Your Girl”
— Langston Kerman (@LangstonKerman) July 25, 2017
In addition to being one of my favorite stand-ups, Kerman is a consistent highlight in my Twitter feed. If he looks familiar, it’s probably because he played a minor but pivotal role on HBO’s Insecure. Honestly, now that Veep isn’t airing, Insecure is the only show making my HBO subscription worth it right now. (I stopped watching Game Of Thrones a few rapes ago…)
Janelle James
Trump insults women like he’s ever in his life been hot. All that money and still look like warm macaroni salad.
— Janelle James (@janellejcomic) June 30, 2017
I’m just as exhausted by all the Trump jokes as you are, but there are some comics that are still able to find a new angle or a fresh analogy to go in on the president that isn’t just a “his hands are small!” James is one of those gems. She’s New York City-based but should absolutely be on your radar, wherever you are based.
Rae Sanni
The Mooch is out and Bannon’s just in his office, sucking his own cock in peace.
— Rae Sanni (@raesanni) July 31, 2017
Sanni is yet another New York City based comic. Am I biased and think that the NYC scene is superior to other scenes? Yes. You bet. She is a currently a staff writer for The President Show on Comedy Central, and I often look to her Twitter to try to make sense of all the crazy bile-news oozing out of the White House on a daily basis.
Patti Harrison
Sean Spicer actually did an INCREDIBLE job as U.S. press secretary when you consider the fact that he is a golden retriever/lab mix
— Patti Harrison (@Party_Harderson) July 21, 2017
Harrison has been featured in one of Paste’s “under the radar” round ups before for her brilliant work in shareable, hilarious videos. (“Patti Reviews” never disappoints. NEVER.) She is well on her way to becoming above and beyond the radar, especially since she crushed her recent appearance on The Tonight Show addressing Trump’s recent trans ban Tweets.
Alex English
the trump administration has the kind of turnover rate you’d expect from a strip club, but at least strip clubs condemn touching women
— alex english (@alex3nglish) July 31, 2017
Another comic able to be uniquely brutal with his commentary on current events is Alex English. Most of his tweets should be printed out and framed, whether it be about his observations of city life or the latest political update. Good news or bad news, I always look forward to hearing what English has to say on the matter.
Ariel Elias
Women love watching Law & Order SVU because it lets us safely live out our fantasy of a rape being properly handled by the police.
— Ariel Elias (@ArielSElias) April 27, 2016
Sure, this tweet is from over a year ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. All my life I’ve wondered why so many women watch so many episodes of Law & Order and I’m thankful that Elias finally provided me with an answer. She’s my closest friend in comedy—so much so, that when one of us is aggressively blocked by someone, they usually go ahead and block the both of us. In the digital age, that’s true friendship.
Mamoudou N’Diaye
I’ve never seen Stephen Miller and Nosferatu in the same room pic.twitter.com/nj9L3aRqbO
— mamoudou n’diaye (@MamoudouNDiaye) August 4, 2017
N’Diaye kills it on Twitter on a daily basis and is a master of all forms of the tweet. I’m talking one-liners, images, witty commentary on headlines, you name it. Once you follow him, take a day off from the outside world and read up on all the tweets you missed.
Jake Flores
i’m starting to think that this is the last season of America and the writers are just going nuts
— Jake ????Flores (@feraljokes) February 13, 2016
On February 13, 2016, Jake wrote this tweet and it quickly went crazy-viral. He wrote about the experience for the New York Times. It’s an awesome read on the agony and the ecstasy of posting jokes on Twitter for free. Flores had a great Twitter before the defining Tweet and has maintained it since.
Taryn Englehart
would love to take away workplace protections for straight women who caption photos of their boyfriends with, “i guess he’s ok”
— Taryn Englehart (@changawei) July 27, 2017
Englehart has written some of Reductress’s most hilarious headlines, including “Man Spends More Time Staging Dick Pic Than Considering If Woman Wants To See It” and “How To Have A Baby Inside An Avocado.” I know, you’re a fan now—welcome to the club. While you’re at it, go on and follow fellow brilliant Reductress writer Jasmine Pierce too.
Bowen Yang
New HBO show: What if white people could eat bricks and feel no pain???
— Bowen Yang (@bowenyang) July 20, 2017
We’ve all seen plenty of Tweets in response to HBO’s very bad, dumb, stupid, terrible #Confederate concept, but Bowen’s, to me, soars above the rest. He and fellow comedian and Twitter-er Matt Rogers host Las Culturistas, a podcast that TimeOut describes as “Addictively bitchy,” and I have to agree.
Alison Zeidman
Terrible news — I can’t get my cat to fist bump
— Alison Zeidman (@alisonlzeidman) August 5, 2017
Alison writes for truTV’s Adam Ruins Everything, but her Twitter makes everything better. Don’t be fooled by the cat tweet I’ve featured here, she’s not one to shy away from tackling dark, grave topics in under 140 characters. She’s even written for the failing New York Times! Her most recent open letter to “(Potentially Soon-to-Be-Former) Health Insurance Policy Holders” is equal parts hilarious and frightening.
Liz Magee is a New York-based writer and comedian. She knows you just met, and this might be forward of her, but I mean, since you’re here anyway, maybe follow her on Twitter too?