The Funniest Tweets about Bernie Taking on Trump’s Twitter
Images via C-SPAN, Getty
Earlier this week. a.k.a. practically a year ago, Senator Bernard Sanders took to the Senate floor with a giant printout of a tweet by Donald Trump, the sentient ‘80s-era self help book who will soon be our president. What happened next is what always happens next: It became a meme. Years from now, when historians of the future look back on 2017, they will probably not bother to catalogue these tweets among the rest of the nuclear rubble. But that does not mean they never happened, that their creators never existed, that our civilization did not—for one shining moment—rise above the tumult to photoshop goofy images onto the staid canvas of our federal government. We have looked through all those photoshops. These are the funniest.
— Hellscape Legoman (@HapaxLegoman) January 4, 2017
Bernie Sanders teaching everyone a valuable lesson
— Gavin Somers (@gaviiins) January 4, 2017
wow I can’t believe bernie went there
— Gabe Bergado (@gabebergado) January 4, 2017
— Four Pins (@Four_Pins) January 4, 2017
— Jocelyn Plums (@FilthyRichmond) January 4, 2017
When ur ex tries to deny something but u have the receipts ready to go
— eve peyser (@evepeyser) January 4, 2017
— president-elect evan (@evcon) January 4, 2017
bernie continues to speak truth to power
— David Mack (@davidmackau) January 4, 2017
really glad to see bernie is sticking to his campaign promises
— Connor Finnegan (@ConnorFinnegan) January 4, 2017
Bernie now using this tweet to explain the qualifications he believes the next DNC Chair should have
— ZacEfron /2017 Again (@Cam_Oflage) January 4, 2017
sorry I’ve been away from the computer am i too late for this
— bobby finger (@bobbyfinger) January 4, 2017
Bernie Sanders, everyone. (h/t @weareyourfek for the idea)
— Annie Colbert (@anniecolbert) January 4, 2017
Oh man, @roooooland made a great @gomixme app — just paste in a link to a tweet
— Anil Dash (@anildash) January 5, 2017
— Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) January 4, 2017
— Madison M. K. (@4evrmalone) January 4, 2017