The Funniest Tweets about the Bad David Brooks Column
Images via Slawomir Fajer/Shutterstock
The thing that happened on the internet this morning, which will soon be overshadowed by whatever happens on the internet this afternoon, is that David Brooks published another dumb blinkered column about how poor people are dumb. It’s probably more nuanced than that but on the other hand it definitely isn’t. Very insightful, Dave! Okay, please enjoy these good tweets about the column, and we’ll see you back here later this week when Bret Michaels says whatever bullshit he has to say about yesterday’s New York feature on global warming. Bye!
today’s David Brooks column is worth reading
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) July 11, 2017
great stuff in the latest David Brooks column
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) July 11, 2017
MY LATEST: all my friends hate me, and that’s why our politics are broken;
— Updog Sinclair (@emmaroller) July 11, 2017
David Brooks: This sandwich has lettuce. It’s leaves you can eat.
Idiot friend (went to non-Ivy League college): ME NO EAT LEAF! NO LETTRUS!— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) July 11, 2017
i too recall college orientation when the dean explained various cured italian meats to all incoming freshman
— Jordan Freiman (@JordanFreiman) July 11, 2017
I can’t believe David Brooks took his friend to Sbarro
— Gabriella Paiella (@GMPaiella) July 11, 2017
people complain about women writing bad personal essays when men like David Brooks have been on that beat for years now
— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) July 11, 2017
Oh no. Security camera footage of David Brooks’s friend at the sandwich shop has been leaked
— Richard Lawson (@rilaws) July 11, 2017
being only vaguely aware of david brooks and not feeling obligated to read anything he writes is very liberating
— House of Alucards (@Yelix) July 11, 2017
— CalmTomb (@CalmTomb) July 11, 2017
say what you will about david brooks, the man makes some good points
— Jake Offenhartz (@jangelooff) July 11, 2017
.@nytdavidbrooks I genuinely hope that you encounter a “non-rich” person on a “street” and they punch the fucking taste out of your mouth.
— Slammin Bod Jeb Lund (@Mobute) July 11, 2017
Why does David Brooks keep subbing his friends? Maybe this is why they stand him up to watch Carpool Karaoke?
— DarkSkintDostoyevsky (@daniecal) July 11, 2017
Why does David Brooks keep subbing his friends? Maybe this is why they stand him up to watch Carpool Karaoke?
— DarkSkintDostoyevsky (@daniecal) July 11, 2017
this is like, the david brooks equivalent of the woke toddler meme
— g a b y (@gabydvj) July 11, 2017
Brooks is right about gatekeeping and status rules but acting like it was invented by liberals in the past couple decades is typical Brooks
— extra-fancy gabagool (@jimpjorps) July 11, 2017
Are we all going to ignore the fact that David Brooks is clearly dating a 19 year old
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) July 11, 2017
For the win! Writer Trolls NYT Columnist David Brooks By Eating Delicioso Submarine Sandwich
— brian feldman (@bafeldman) July 11, 2017
every sandwich is fancy if you eat it while wearing a cape
— John DeVore (@JohnDeVore) July 11, 2017
Douthat: Ban porn
Brooks: Fancy hams are confusing to some
Stephens: Boil the oceans and do more war crimes— Barry Petchesky (@barry) July 11, 2017
suddenly realizes that what’s kept me out of the upper-middle class all this time was that catty remark years ago about DFW’s bandana
— Howard Mittelmark (@HMittelmark) July 11, 2017
David Brooks thinks Panera Bread is a salon for elite intellectuals, so who’s the dummy now
— ErinEph (@ErinEph) July 11, 2017
holy crap did you all realize the new pirates of the caribbean movie came out
— House of Alucards (@Yelix) July 11, 2017
I stand with brooks: tired of all these snobby places for microchip CEOs and university deans selling gabagool subs
— Sam Biddle (@samfbiddle) July 11, 2017
when u went to bed at 4am but u see people shitting on david brooks again
— ?netw3rk (@netw3rk) July 11, 2017
I walked into a deli that serves soppressata
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) July 11, 2017
Me: takes friend to sandwich shop
Friend: not sure what to order
Me: Ah, you’re too stupid for sandwiches, we’ll go somewhere else— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) July 11, 2017
The first day of college is when they teach you not to be afraid of sandwiches.
— Branson Reese (@bransonreese) July 11, 2017
I utterly refuse to believe that David Brooks’s friend describes David Brooks as such
— Aevee?Bee (@MammonMachine) July 11, 2017