The Funniest Tweets of the Week
Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty
Good morning. Below you will find the funniest tweets from the last seven days, mostly. You can read them in any order: bottom to top, top to bottom, middle to top then back to middle and down, middle to bottom then back to middle and up, pick and choose, or any of the many other options. You can even share your favorite tweets, whether by sharing this whole list itself (highly recommended!) or by slamming that RT button (also good). Whatever you do, remember this: there’s no wrong answer, there’s only what you choose. With that, happy reading, and please have a solemn Labor Day.
omg! someone translated the lyrics to despacito! ????
— Prequel Memes (@PrequelMemesBot) September 3, 2017
That’s like 10,000 grams of protein that doesn’t need to be heated before you eat it – you fucked up
— Nick Squires ? (@meatymcsorley) September 2, 2017
Check out this normal human who feels and says normal things.
— Cody Johnston (@drmistercody) September 3, 2017
Actually Young Sheldon was the scientist. The name is Young Sheldon’s monster.
— Mike Peters (@mijamtweets) September 3, 2017
i cannot believe “if it fits, i sits” transcends boundaries in this way
— Emergency Kittens (@EmrgencyKittens) August 31, 2017
antifa undermines the actual #resistance, who are tirelessly fighting nazis by pointing out that the president has a bad fake tan
— thomas violence (@thomas_violence) September 2, 2017
when i activated news notifications i didn’t expect to be thrust into a deadly game of chance
— j.r. hennessy (@jrhennessy) August 31, 2017
— ?????? (@immolations) September 1, 2017
TREVOR NOAH: antifa’s tactics are no good! the ONLY effective way to combat armed white supremacists is by repeating their talking points!!
— TRPMBLY PCKALESK (@Tormny_Pickeals) September 1, 2017
who’s ready for an all-female reboot of hollywood executives
— Bez (@Bez) September 1, 2017
CENTERISTS: we are ALL alt-left now. An injury to one is an injury to all like two weeks pass Antifa is just ISIS when you think about it.
— Chris Person (@Papapishu) September 1, 2017
It’s sad to see a company like Juicero shut down without even TRYING to pivot to video
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) September 1, 2017
This Nic Cage story is a ROLLERCOASTER RIDE!!!!
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) September 1, 2017
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) August 31, 2017
— La Diabla???????????????? (@Hannah_Mumford) August 31, 2017
running tearfully alongside train waving handkerchief bye haters, goodbye haters
— ???? Dollars Horton ???? (@crushingbort) December 23, 2012
wow, pretty out there thing for the NYT to publish, but free speech is a solemn duty
— j.r. hennessy (@jrhennessy) August 30, 2017
— 9 V O L T (@9_volt88) August 31, 2017
there’s only two genders:
-goin’ to heaven
-NOT goin’ to heaven— josh androsky???? (@ShutUpAndrosky) August 31, 2017
everyones singing the fuck donald trump song and each time im saying “and kony” real quick
— dr. bounty hunter (@OkButStill) August 31, 2017
If you send Bill Cosby to prison, you’re saying that NBC—Wings, The A*Team, Thursday Night Football—shouldn’t have happened
— Tom Scocca (@tomscocca) August 30, 2017
thoughts on antifa…
— Nick Ciarelli (@nickciarelli) August 30, 2017
Just when I thought this format was dead
— ????Hungryghoast ???? (@Hungryghoast) August 28, 2017
love this meme because it represents the crippling uncertainty of human emotion, how you always feel so many conflicting things at once
— vacation eve (@evepeyser) August 29, 2017
I like watching Rick and Morty but this guy seems to sum up all of its fans pretty well
— Dom O’Connor (@Dong_OConnor) August 28, 2017
when Kanye took that VMA from Taylor I was like “oh, weird” not “this will psychologically cripple both artists, driving them to madness”
— caitlin bitzegaio ???? (@caitorade) August 27, 2017
when you’ve been on this website since 2009
— Alana Hope Levinson (@alanalevinson) August 28, 2017