The Funniest Tweets of the Week
Lior Mizrahi / Getty
Okay so clearly should have done a standalone list of Verritt tweets, because approximately 90% of these are Verritt tweets. And clearly we should have done another standalone list of Equifax tweets, because another approximately 60% of these are Equifax tweets. Big week last week, huh! Everybody got their chance to shine, from Peter Daou to a bunch of corrupt financial executives to Jeff Sessions and Betsy DeVos. What a fun time to be alive in a stable climate where data can generally be considered safe! Okay, well, enough of this, here are the tweets:
You have to really fuck up your society like seven different ways for this sign to even be possible
— Breakfast Haver (@weedguy420boner) September 10, 2017
glad this sick fuck is behind bars
— memes (@memeconnect) September 2, 2017
Trump gets head stuck in honey jar
PUNDITS: Trump’s real genius is in not letting beltway insiders dictate where he gets his head stuck— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) September 10, 2017
I’ve always said the only thing better than the 2016 Dem Primaries would be reliving them during a series of devastating hurricanes
— Joe R (@Randazzoj) September 10, 2017
My role in the CIA was to bring smiles to everyone’s faces
— Nick Ciarelli (@nickciarelli) September 9, 2017
Can finally share the news with you guys
— Cole Escola (@ColeEscola) September 9, 2017
oh my god
— Verrit Fogle (@itwasthreezero) September 9, 2017
token was mad he couldn’t fit in the kitten house so he squished it
— anthony (@anthonycoast) September 8, 2017
One time I made Ken Bone in “The Sims” & he fell asleep on the floor because I didn’t put any furniture in his house.
— William Fatzinger Jr (@billyfatzinger) September 9, 2017
computer.. which third panel image will best express that i am both a centrist and the most unlikeable person in existence
— CHAD KNK (@AnnieKNK) September 7, 2017
He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the Josts
— Tommy McNamara (@TommyMcNam) September 9, 2017
I’m still waiting on Mitt Romney Live
— Robbie Goodwin (@robbiegoodwin) September 8, 2017
Congratulations to the Equifax CEO on his upcoming appointment to the President’s Council on Not Leaking 143 Million Social Security Numbers
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) September 8, 2017
Please enjoy this delightful story about a coincidentally named married couple, uh [glances at trending topics] Equifax and 9th Circuit
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) September 7, 2017
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) September 7, 2017
he’s ruining everything, even the kinks
— Alana Hope Levinson (@alanalevinson) September 6, 2017
.@SenateMajLdr turn that frown upside down!
— Sam Taggart (@samttaggart) September 6, 2017
“It’s a news site called Verrit”
“What’s special about it?”
“It has a system to prevent Verrit Forgery”
“Is that a problem?”
“It is now”— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) September 6, 2017
if you live a terrible life, die and open the door to hell, this is the first thing you see
— maura quint (@behindyourback) September 5, 2017
I’m afraid I’ll need the seven-digit verification code for your claim that my “excessive drinking” is “ruining the baby shower”
— slackbot (@pareene) September 5, 2017
I love the reality where Trump is president and Hillary has a grievance-meme website touting how it has more followers than Chapo. It’s good
— ???? heinous beast ???? (@crushingbort) September 5, 2017
ME: I love Vox Explainers, but I hate how they don’t have randomly generated seven-digit numbers for some reason
VERRIT: Hold my 4891316— Sean T. Collins (@theseantcollins) September 5, 2017
total nonsense that mario’s job is now “ux designer at a white supremacy startup” but luigi becoming “co-chair of antifa east” seems canon
— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) September 5, 2017
— Branson Reese (@bransonreese) September 5, 2017
when i send out a New Tweet
— Joey Sims (@joeycsims) September 5, 2017
male comics: women, stop making vagina jokes be more creative
also male comics: i will never stop telling rape jokes never this is my craft— Lane Moore (@hellolanemoore) September 5, 2017
just in case anyone out there is confused,
left: logo of Peter Daou’s Verrit dot com
right: logo of Thaddeus Venture’s Venture Industries— The Discourse Lover (@Trillburne) September 4, 2017
Donald Trump is getting fatter, relies on the crutch “in terms of” to fill space, and his brain is melting. in other words he’s MY president
— Brain Mentality (@ByYourLogic) September 4, 2017
Excellent work
— Julie Ann Johnson (@Julie_Johnsoned) September 4, 2017
— Captain ACAB (@Boringstein) September 4, 2017
my kink is treating service workers with kindness and respect
— J. Jennifer Espinoza (@sadqueer4life) September 4, 2017
I’m the 900 kids who go fucking mental at the mere mention of gender fluidity
— j.r. hennessy (@jrhennessy) September 4, 2017