The Funniest Tweets of the Week
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty
I have worked long and hard collecting these tweets for you, my dear readers. First I got off the couch. Then, I moved to my desk. Then, I opened my laptop. Then I stared out the window for a bit. My neighbor was walking her dog; my other neighbor was smoking a cigarette. Things continued in this fashion until it was time for a break, which I spent checking up on all the various goings-on on Twitter. Smash cut to four hour laters when it was right now and I finally finished writing this paragraph. What a journey it’s been! And now, the tweets you’ve all been waiting for:
the first rule of micromanager club is…here, i’ll just show u
— Alien Skier (@ClichedOut) March 1, 2018
JAD: Have you ever wondered…
[miscellaneous hisses and pops]
ROBERT: Wondered?
JAD: …how many calories the human brain has?
[ambient synths]
ROBERT: Brains?
[circus music]
WOMAN’S VOICE: …so I shot a crossbow into my foot
JAD: This week on Radiolab— Post-Culture Review (@PostCultRev) March 2, 2018
— sandra (@louistomIinsan) March 2, 2018
[doctor looking at my xrays]
doctor: this is exactly what i was afraid of
me: what
doctor: skeletons
— Zilla (@GoodZiIIa) February 27, 2018
Got the boys coming over to wait for the mail
— cory snearowski (@corysnearowski) February 27, 2018
Lord grant me the confidence of a person who raises their hand at a Q&A with, well, not exactly a question per se, more of a comment, an observation, really
— Dylan Marron (@dylanmarron) March 2, 2018
to clarify, i still think that “Porky Pig” should get the electric chair, but not enough to kill him, just enough to Scare him a little bit
— wint (@dril) March 4, 2018
he was baby driver, their existence is an affront to god—please welcome ansel elgort and barbra streisand’s dog clones
— dan chamberlain (@amfmpm) March 5, 2018
Every time I say “Timothée Chalamet” I follow it with “…by L’Oréal.”
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) March 4, 2018
— Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) March 3, 2018
A father and his son are in a car crash. The father dies but the son is taken to the hospital. The surgeon looks at the boy and says “John Wick is not the worst movie I have ever seen.” How can this be? The surgeon has also seen John Wick 2
— ????Insatiable Gun Taker???? (@crushingbort) March 4, 2018
Shape of Water stressed me out ok she was RUDE to her neighbors – basically flooded her entire building … that movie theater owner was so nice to her & how did she repay him?? Naked Fish freak in his theater ???????? Enough
— Marcia Belsky (@MarciaBelsky) March 4, 2018
The “AR” in AR-15 actually stands for Ayn Rand, and the 15 is for the age you should realize her philosophy is poison
— Nate Patrin (@natepatrin) March 1, 2018
hmm what could be causing the unraveling…
— Jen Statsky (@jenstatsky) March 3, 2018
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) March 3, 2018
— wwwdmmmffnn (@woodmuffin) March 2, 2018
In Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, which is nominated for an Oscar for best original screenplay, Doritos are described as “pointy.” If Martin McDonagh had ever eaten a Dorito or even Googled it, he would know that the edges are round.
— Carrie Wittmer???????? (@carriesnotscary) March 2, 2018
I, Tonya
You, Tonya: the sequel
He/She/It Tonya: final installment of the Tonya trilogyWe, Tonya: whoa! back for #4
Y’all, Tonya: remake of ‘You, Tonya’
They, Tonya: plot twist! this one’s about Nancy— Karen Chee (@karencheee) March 2, 2018
We have to set aside partisan squabbling and stand with the president when he’s right×6zcFZR
— jack allison (@jackallisonLOL) March 2, 2018
me trying to run in a nightmare
— jaboukie young-white (@jaboukie) February 27, 2018
When someone you’ve never interacted with has you blocked
— Nick Wiger (@nickwiger) March 2, 2018
An Oral History of Me Doing the Dishes
My wife: Well, I remember dinner was over.
M: That’s right, we were both done eating.
W: I think you said, what was it? “I’m going to do the dishes.”
M: Probably. That’s what I always say before I do the dishes, isn’t it?
W: (fondly) Yes.— Howard Mittelmark (@HMittelmark) March 2, 2018
— The Infamous Sergio (@NostromoSerg) March 1, 2018
The worst thing about the National Review is you can’t even bully them because they’re constantly bullying themselves.
— Kaleb Horton (@kalebhorton) March 1, 2018
I’ve started writing morbid poems in the comments of fitness selfies again….
— ned riseley (@nriseley) March 1, 2018
while unveiling a multi billion dollar weapon that will kill thousands of women and children for no reason
— Jake Flores (@feraljokes) March 1, 2018
Someone gave Quentin Tarantino a pretty basic set of those word magnets you stick on your fridge for Christmas this year.
— Grace St. Cloud (@GraceGThomas) March 1, 2018
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) February 28, 2018
I, too, like to leave the White House for reasons totally unrelated to my testimony from one day earlier
— Owen Ellickson (@onlxn) February 28, 2018
[reading a crazy news headline] “Um, is this the onion?”
[watching a weird video] “What is this, the onion?”
[yelling after a car that zoomed past] “ARE YOU THE ONION????”
[standing in delivery room, holding son for the first time] ”…could it be? …the onion?”
— Zach Dunn (@ZachBDunn) February 28, 2018
I ate your plums from the icebox because, in my pacificism, I can’t reject something delicious, even when it is so sweet and so cold
— Butt Praxis (@buttpraxis) February 27, 2018
Well, Shit: The New York Times Is Sagging
— Gawken (@gawkenn) February 27, 2018