The Funniest Tweets of the Week
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Let’s see, what happened last week, oh right, Roseanne lost her show, lol, then the right tried to get Bill Maher fired too, fingers crossed!, then they all went apeshit over Samantha Bee, holy hell. Big week in comedy! In other news, archaeologists excavating Pompeii, site of the famous volcanic eruption at Pompeii, discovered the skeleton of a guy who survived the eruption and promptly got beaned in the head by a big ol’ slab of rock, which has to be funnier than anything I’ve heard in months. Well, except maybe these tweets:
— Chanel (@circusgoth) June 4, 2018
am I going insane
— cold can of Hamms in tour hand (@intellegint) June 3, 2018
Can anyone help?
— Alex Lee (@alex_c_lee) June 3, 2018
too bad the stupid beaver got in the way
— Insatiable Gun Taker (@crushingbort) June 3, 2018
this new season of dr. who fucking sucks
— Endless Bummer (@LasagnaGarden) June 2, 2018
Sorry, but this is bullshit. Icecream is almost always successful, only when the machine is in use and they try to make a panna cotta are people truly fucked. Also you cannot make rice in 20 minutes. Thank you, that’s my time, for many years I thought you could eat rare pork.
— Joel Kim Booster (@ihatejoelkim) June 2, 2018
When you reply to the President’s posts
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) June 3, 2018
Each sentence is somehow worse than the last
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) June 2, 2018
I have a friend crashing at my place while some stuff blows over. I’m not allowed to say who she is but let’s just say it’s not the FIRST time a LADY needed to get away from it all and clear her head. Anyway we’re kinda running out of shit to do if anyone has Netflix recs
— Chris Scott (@iamchrisscott) June 2, 2018
I will never let you go
— Marcia Belsky (@MarciaBelsky) June 1, 2018
— Sam Rosenfeld (@sam_rosenfeld) June 1, 2018
people focus on all the weird rightwing subtext in Ender’s Game, but the wildest part of the book is Orson Scott Card’s depiction of Ender’s brother as meritocratically rising to become ruler of earth by Posting Online
— Gregory Possum-Liker (@cat_beltane) June 1, 2018
oh she dead
— FIONA (@BigHPrivateEye) May 30, 2018
— Mike Migdall (@ItsMigdallTime) June 1, 2018
huh…. this is a interesting choice
— Dan Licata (@danlicatasucks) May 31, 2018
— Justin Rogers (@Justin_Rogers) May 31, 2018
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) May 30, 2018
[to my assembled family and friends] thank you everyone for coming. I’m sorry to say I’ve started using again.
[my mother starts crying quietly]
That’s right. Using, false pretences to bring people together with exciting investment opportunities— TOM (@tomwalkerisgood) May 29, 2018
fool me once, fuck you, fool me twice cut it out asshole stop fooling me
— Mike F (@mikefossey) May 30, 2018
sometimes the covers of the new yorker are simply so poignant, the satire so biting, that i’m quite simply floored and need to go on bed rest until further notice
— Matt Barats (@MattBarats) May 30, 2018
This bumble claw crane with no prizes is a chilling metaphor
— Hannah Murphy (@dumb_hannah) May 30, 2018
I once dated someone because I thought he loved to read but it turned out he just really liked one book.
— Katie Qué (@imyourkatieque) May 30, 2018
save local news
— Hayes Davenport (@hayesdavenport) May 30, 2018
getting word that the pompeii guy who was smashed by a big rock is actually alive and well
— Andy Orin (@andyorin) May 30, 2018
If I were to escape a volcanic eruption that was destroying my home town, I’d keep an eye out for any falling rocks that could crush and pin me to the ground as I escaped, it’s just common sense
— Christian McCrea (@christianmccrea) May 30, 2018
ABC fires Roseanne, says she crossed the line from being racist enough to have a TV show to slightly too racist to have a TV show
— popular comedy account “the pixelated boat” (@pixelatedboat) May 29, 2018
ABC fires Roseanne, says she crossed the line from being racist enough to have a TV show to slightly too racist to have a TV show
— popular comedy account “the pixelated boat” (@pixelatedboat) May 29, 2018
First they came for Roseanne, and I said nothing, because Roseanne sucks. Then they came for Bill Maher, and I said nothing, because Bill Maher also sucks.
— David Hill (@davehill77) May 29, 2018
God this is so satisfying
— regular person (@Merman_Melville) May 29, 2018
Phew, the reboot with the racist is gone. Now let’s enjoy the reboot where the actress got screamed at til she cried.
— Scizz Girdner (@scottgairdner) May 29, 2018
TIM ALLEN: Hey everyone! Look who moved in next door!
ROSEANNE [after thirty full seconds of canned applause]: Michelle Obama runs a pedophile ring— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) May 29, 2018
An easy way to tell if you’re in the Vietnam War is if Fortunate Son is playing. “If Creedence is playing a song, you’re fighting on the Mekong. If no Creedence you hear, buddy you’re in the clear.” Works every time
— Post, Alone (@alexqarbuckle) May 28, 2018
Leave it to the dumbest columnist alive to arrive at the wrong-in-both-directions “Elon Musk is good but electric cars are bad” take
— Michael T Sweeney (@mtsw) May 27, 2018