The Funniest Tweets of the Week
Photo via Getty Images
I will let you all in on a little secret. Every week, as you know, I compile these lists of the funniest tweets of the week. But what you do not know is that from every list I select one tweet, the funniest of the funniest tweets, and copy it into a separate document. In this document are all the funniest tweets from every list I have ever compiled, going all the way back to, I don’t know, 2016 or whenever. And one day, maybe in the near future, maybe in the distant future, I will post all of these tweets in a grand list to end all lists. And it will be called The Funniest Tweets of the Funniest Tweets of the Week. And then I will finally be free.
tragedy + time = tragedy time
— blaine capatch (@blainecapatch) August 12, 2018
My 13 y.o. son told me that when he hits 99 pounds, he wants to eat one pound of nachos on his own so he can be 1% nacho.
— David Juurlink (@DavidJuurlink) August 12, 2018
so twitter is literally afraid of twitter
— Claire Willett (@clairewillett) August 11, 2018
I’m grateful for twitter because I remember what it was like in the 80s. If you had insomnia you had to write out your opinions on hundreds of 3×5 cards & then go around the neighborhood in the middle of the night handing them out.
— Wendy Molyneux (@WendyMolyneux) August 11, 2018
My phone must die so that I may live
— Sam Taggart (@samttaggart) August 11, 2018
.@washingtonpost is this really ethical
— Sam Saulsbury (@SamuelSaulsbury) August 11, 2018
It rules that $10K isn’t enough to get a girl to talk to Ben Shapiro
— jonny (@jonny_is_good) August 10, 2018
The DNC just unveiled their 2020 strategy
— #abolishICE (@itspronounced48) August 10, 2018
Really psyched about these new profile icons on Netflix. They have one for every personality! Mine’s the dad from Okja.
— Sotto Voce (@infinityuncool) August 10, 2018
what i say: i’ve made some huge progress lately
what i mean: i can now occasionally express one of my wants or needs honestly and clearly as long as i have the rest of the day to recover from it
— J. Jennifer Espinoza (@sadqueer4life) August 10, 2018
My only complaint about Nanette is that Hannah Gadsby explained to the general public what a callback is. They know now, they know. And we will never get that genie back in its bottle.
— Laurie Kilmartin (@anylaurie16) August 10, 2018
tfw you incorporate the notes on your script into the script
— jeremy levick (@levickjeremy) August 10, 2018
Space war… Is space hell
— Jake Flores (@feraljokes) August 9, 2018
still no oscar for stunt performances/choreography or voice acting but cool, why not add an award for most popular movie, to the popular movie awards
— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) August 8, 2018
Every credit card owner dreads this moment
— Brendan O’Hare (@brendohare) August 8, 2018
A huge plot hole in Aladdin is that Rajah could just eat Jafar. he is a tiger
— Michelle Spies (@spies_please) August 8, 2018
the worst part of freelancing is that when it starts raining hard there’s no one to interrupt by saying “wow it’s really coming down out there”
— grace perry (@perryjetaime) August 7, 2018
for suuure this is the #1 news item i care about in 2018 – for sure!
— Catherine Cohen (@catccohen) August 7, 2018
Finally, a TV show will explore what’s it like in New York City.
— Alex Blechman (@AlexBlechman) August 7, 2018
Cold. Case. Killer. Leaps. From. Cold. Case. How could you screw up this headline IT IS A LAYUP.
— Lyndsey Fifield (@lyndseyfifield) August 7, 2018
this “social network” slugline is my next tattoo
— Emma Specter (@EmmaSpecter) August 7, 2018
The truest onscreen portrayal of a career in publishing was Elaine Benes’, a rising star editor who lost her job when the publisher folded, became personal assistant to a rich guy, got a new job as a copywriter for a clothing catalogue, briefly became CEO, then ended up in prison
— Alejandrobot (@Alejandrobot) August 6, 2018
excellent bag at belfast pride yesterday
— alex (@alexdotmoore) August 5, 2018
If you can’t handle me at my worst, you might not be crazy about me at my best either. They’re similar.
— Sean Clements (@SeanClements) August 6, 2018
The latest email from MoviePass is their strangest one yet
— Zach Dunn (@ZachBDunn) August 6, 2018
Paul Manafort (allegedly) laundered insane amounts of money so he could afford to dress like Andre from The League
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) August 6, 2018