Watch a 5-Year-Old “Apparently” Nail His Live Television Debut

It can take years to perfect the neutral accent and soporific cadence of a seasoned TV journalist, but one Pennsylvania youngster has found a simple shortcut to sounding like a professional newsperson: saying “apparently.” During a live interview at the Wayne County Fair this week, 5-year-old Noah Ritter hijacked the mic to become WNEP Scranton’s youngest correspondent, punctuating every sentence with the word “apparently” and becoming a viral star in the process.
Ritter’s nasal, “apparently”-peppered monotone is clearly the future of TV news, being infinitely more entertaining than the standard local news broadcast. Unfortunately for us, the kid has no interest in becoming a reporter, telling WNEP that he (selfishly) wants to be a paleontologist instead. Check it out above.