Watch Ellie Kemper in a Fake Commercial for Russian Gum

Watch Ellie Kemper in a Fake Commercial for Russian Gum

As a guest on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Ellie Kemper shared that, along with The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, she’s been doing a lot of overseas commercial acting—you know, so she can send her unborn child to private school.

Colbert said that he, too, had done some foreign product promotion, and pulled out a package of “Korean man SPANX” with his picture on them. Kemper said that she had just returned from shooting a commercial for a new Russian gum, sounding completely serious. Luckily, Colbert had a clip of the ad to show.

The commercial for “Pyud” gum begins as most candy ads do: just a couple of brightly dressed people tossing around a beach ball. When Kemper puts a stick of “sturgeon” and “currant”-flavored Pyud gum in her mouth, she is able to do more than blow a boring bubble. She can shoot laser beams out of her mouth that turns her friends into ants!

Watch the clip above to see the absurdist gum take effect for yourself.

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