Watch Will Ferrell and Billy Eichner Scream at People About Christmas

Watch Will Ferrell and Billy Eichner Scream at People About Christmas

“Billy on the Street” clips are the best thing about the Internet right now—yes, even with the return of Serial—and the minute the email hit my inbox notifying me that Eichner had teamed up with Will Ferrell, I began to get giddy. Ferrell will appear on tonight’s episode (10:30 p.m., truTV), and judging by the preview clip above, it’s going to be wonderful. Watch as Eichner and Ferrell verbally attack New Yorkers with questions like “who starred in Scrooged?”, and “what’s the better movie, Scrooged or Elf?” At one point, Eichner calls Ferrell an “asshole,” but his worst insults are reserved for people who refuse to play his game. For my money, this even tops the Julianne Moore fiasco from last week.

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