The Bat-Signal Will Be Lit Over Los Angeles Tonight to Honor Adam West
Photo by Watson/Getty
As a tribute to one of history’s most memorable on-screen Batmen, the late Adam West, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Police Department Chief Charlie Beck will have a ceremonial lighting of the Bat-signal over City Hall tonight at 9 p.m. PDT. Here is DC Comic’s official statement about the event:
Holy Bat-signal, Batman! In a fitting tribute to pop culture icon Adam West, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Police Department Chief Charlie Beck will join surprise Bat-guests for a ceremonial lighting of the Bat-signal at City Hall this Thursday evening, June 15. The legendary star of the classic “Batman” TV series, which aired from 1966-68, passed away on Friday, June 9 at the age of 88. In remembrance of West’s unforgettable portrayal of the celebrated “Bright Knight,” Mayor Garcetti and Chief Beck will light the iconic Bat-signal, which will be projected onto the tower of Los Angeles City Hall at Spring Street. Attending Bat-fans are invited to don their Bat-suits and trusty utility belts in honor of West’s signature role as the true crimefighter.
For fans that can’t make it to California, the West family asks that donations be made to the Adam West Memorial Fund for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and another cancer-focused charity, Camp Rainbow Gold.
DC also tweeted about the event yesterday:
DC & the @MayorOfLA celebrate the #BrightKnight with an #AdamWestTribute in Los Angeles tomorrow night:
— DC (@DCComics) June 14, 2017
The event is shaping up to be a fitting tribute to a man beloved by many.
To read our initial announcement about Adam West’s passing click here. Also, be sure to check out our thoughts on his comics legacy and our definite ranking of Batman ‘66 villains here.