The Hits Keep Coming in United States vs. Murder Inc. #2

Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming & Taki Soma’s Alternate-History Crime Saga Continues from DC Comics & Jinxworld

The Hits Keep Coming in United States vs. Murder Inc. #2

One of the most impressive components of Brian Michael Bendis’ surprise exclusive contract with DC Comics was the publisher’s commitment to expanding Bendis’ creator-owned ventures, with a full slate of four titles kicking off the Jinxworld imprint this summer and fall. Two of these—Scarlet with Alex Maleev and United States of Murder, Inc. with Michael Avon Oeming and Taki Soma—actually sprung to life under Marvel’s Icon imprint, but have found a renewed life with DC. United States even got a new name to celebrate its new volume: United States vs. Murder, Inc., a subtle tweak that perfectly announces the concept. In a world where the five families of Murder, Inc. never ceded their power, the United States government is locked in an ongoing conflict with a large chunk of the country now under the control of organized crime. Filled with classic Bendis double-crosses and dialogue patter and illustrated with a shape-first approach by Oeming and Soma, United States vs. Murder, Inc. is a singular take on the crime comic, and a fascinating alternate history of America (just check out the provocative first page of the second issue). In advance of United States vs. Murder, Inc. hitting stands this Wednesday, Paste has an exclusive preview below. For more on Jinxworld, Bendis and DC Comics, stay tuned to Paste.

United States vs. Murder, Inc. #2 Cover Art by Michael Avon Oeming & Taki Soma

United States vs. Murder, Inc. #2 Interior Art by Michael Avon Oeming & Taki Soma

United States vs. Murder, Inc. #2 Interior Art by Michael Avon Oeming & Taki Soma

United States vs. Murder, Inc. #2 Interior Art by Michael Avon Oeming & Taki Soma

United States vs. Murder, Inc. #2 Interior Art by Michael Avon Oeming & Taki Soma

United States vs. Murder, Inc. #2 Interior Art by Michael Avon Oeming & Taki Soma

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