Artist Alejandro Aragon Deploys the Post-Apocalyptic Designs of Death Orb
The Death Orb Trade Paperback Hits Comic Shops This Week From Aragon, Writer Ryan Ferrier & Colorist Chris O'Halloran
Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O'Halloran
Death Orb roared to fuel-injected life over the past year thanks in large part to the artistic efforts of Alejandro Aragon, whose jagged, chaotic designs for a post-apocalyptic North America ruled by the cultish Lords gave style and weight to one man’s quest to rescue—or avenge—his abducted wife and child. Together with writer Ryan Ferrier and colorist Chris O’Halloran, Aragon painstakingly crafted the world of Death Orb from the ground up, and with the trade paperback collection hitting comic shops this week from publisher Dark Horse Comics, Paste has an extended preview of the story, along with commentary on how Aragon went about designing the look of Death Orb. Check that out below, and be sure to track down the collected edition this Wednesday.
Death Orb Cover Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Artist Alejandro Aragon:
Most of Death Orb’s designs just came to my mind like a violent invasion without asking for permission. It was a compulsion. No matter what I was doing, lots of ideas were coming to me and I think the reason was the powerful connection I developed with my partner in crime, Ryan Ferrier. So, it’s not that I had control of every aspect of the book’s design, but I was excited and afraid at the same time.
What I certainly knew about this universe was the fact that I wanted something chaotic. I was and am obsessed with asymmetry of shapes and objects. I love surrealistic stuff so much. Paradoxically, I find some peace working on that kind of stuff, and that was my motivation behind all the detailed work of Death Orb.
Being an artist is such a lonely journey. I have lot of time to think and talk to myself and sometimes I wonder the meaning behind my work. What is my purpose working on comics? What do I want to chase? And I think, even if it’s not true, that the answer is freedom. I just want to be free and leave everything behind. Death Orb was totally that, my way to say, “fuck everything.”
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran
Death Orb Interior Art by Alejandro Aragon & Chris O’Halloran