DC Comics Abruptly Cancels Legend of Wonder Woman
Image via DC Comics / Art by Renae De Liz, Ray Dillon
The Legend of Wonder Woman, which we named one of the best comics of the year thanks to its gorgeous art, accessible origin story and all-ages appeal, has been abruptly canceled, according to series writer/artist Renae De Liz.
The news was announced on De Liz’s Twitter last night. “I am sad to announce Legend of Wonder Woman pt 2 has been cancelled,” she tweeted. “I am surprised & devastated I won’t be able to finish the project.” De Liz also added, “I am very grateful to DC for the opportunity to work with such an iconic character over the last few years, that was a joy like none other.”
It appears the cancellation was a last-minute decision and that De Liz was already working on the second installment. De Liz went on to tweet that “the story is left unfinished, and there were so many fun adventures to be told.” De Liz speculated that she didn’t believe sales were a factor in DC’s decision to cancel the book because “the hardcover was looking to do optimistically well.”
Whatever DC’s reasons for cancelling the book, De Liz tweeted that she and her husband Ray Dillon, who also works on the series, just learned that they are pregnant with their fourth child and are now without an income for the immediate future. “If anyone is interested in signed/sketch copies of LoWW, pages, or art it would be greatly appreciated,” De Liz tweeted. The two have also set up a GoFundMe for fans who wish to support them directly.
Earlier this year, fan response to the similarly surprising cancellation of Tom King and Barnaby Bagenda’s cult-hit Omega Men series prompted DC to continue the book through its original proposed run.
DC, which has published a deluge of Wonder Woman material in advance of her solo film next year, hasn’t yet commented on the cancellation as of this writing.