DC Comics Reveals Creative Teams, Variant Covers for Detective Comics #1000
Main Art by Jim Lee, Scott Williams & Alex Sinclair/DC Comics
In a Tuesday blog post, DC Comics announced more details on the 1,000th issue of Detective Comics, including creative teams and a first look at the Arkham Knight. The celebration represents 80 years of Batman when the comic releases on Mar. 27 of next year, featuring a wrap-around cover from Jim Lee, inker Scott Williams and colorist Alex Sinclair, and a main story from writer Peter J. Tomasi and artist Doug Mahnke, who will also introduce a version of the Arkham Knight to mainstream continuity for the first time.
Alongside Tomasi and Mahnke, DC has announced a slew of Gotham veterans who’ll be contributing stories to the anthology, including:
Kevin Smith and Jim Lee
Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev
Warren Ellis and Becky Cloonan
Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen
Denny O’Neil and Steve Epting (a sequel to O’Neil’s 1976 Detective Comics story There’s No Hope in Crime Alley)
Christopher Priest and Neal Adams
Geoff Johns and Kelley Jones
Tom King, Tony Daniel and Joëlle Jones
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo
James Tynion IV and Alvaro Martinez
As you can see, just about every prominent Batman creator in the business is lined up for the book, and that goes for covers, too. Steve Rude, Michael Cho, Jim Steranko, Bernie Wrightson, Frank Miller, Tim Sale, Jock, Greg Capullo and Bruce Timm are all working on variants for Detective Comics #1000.
You can check out those covers below, along with the wraparound and a first look at Mahnke’s take on the Arkham Knight. Detective Comics #1000 hits shelves on Mar. 27, 2019.
The Arkham Knight Promo Art by Doug Mahnke and David Baron
Detective Comics #1000 Cover Art by Jim Lee, Alex Sinclair and Scott Williams
Detective Comics #1000 1930s Variant Cover Art by Steve Rude
Detective Comics #1000 1940s Variant Cover Art by Bruce Timm
Detective Comics #1000 1950s Variant Cover Art by Michael Cho
Detective Comics #1000 1960s Variant Cover Art by Jim Steranko
Detective Comics #1000 1970s Variant Cover Art by Bernie Wrightson
Detective Comics #1000 1980s Variant Cover Art by Frank Miller
Detective Comics #1000 1990s Variant Cover Art by Tim Sale
Detective Comics #1000 2000s Variant Cover Art by Jock
Detective Comics #1000 2010s Variant Cover Art by Greg Capullo