Exclusive Preview: The World’s Greatest Composer Finds Inspiration Everywhere in Young Mozart
Cartoonist William Augel’s Humanoids Inc. Graphic Novel Includes a Playbook for Readers to Perform Along With the Legend
Art by William Augel
Humanoids’ Life Drawn imprint, the publisher’s slate of down-to-earth, literary personal and political stories, has earned a lot of digital column space at Paste over the last year or two. While Humanoids may be best known for mind-expanding sci-fi and fantasy comics, 2019 finds the publisher diversifying its efforts, with Life Drawn chugging along, a shared superhero universe kicking off in a few short months and their recently debuted BIG imprint, featuring all-ages comics like Bigby Bear and now Young Mozart by William Augel.
Informed both by Mozart’s real-life childhood and scenarios imagined by Augel, Young Mozart has been endorsed by Joanne Pearce Martin, the Principal Keyboardist for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, who said, “Wolferi’s inspired musical antics spark the reader’s imagination. It’s a wonderful mix of historically accurate information and humor that brings out the playful child inside of all of us. You’ll have so much fun during the journey, you won’t realize how much you’ve learned!”
Young Mozart strikes a whimsical, almost Peanuts-like atmosphere, especially when the titular boy and his dog frolic and find inspiration in everything from a baby’s cries to passing bugs to the dog’s, well, poop. The graphic novel also features real musical chords, for the sonically inclined among us. Paste readers can enjoy an exclusive preview of Young Mozart below, and can find it in comic stores now, and book stores and online retailers starting next week.
Young Mozart Cover Art by William Augel
Young Mozart
Writer/Artist: William Augel
Publisher: BIG/ Humanoids
Release Date: April 17, 2019
Enter Young Mozart, the boy genius! Follow the many, real and imaginary, childhood adventures of the world’s greatest composer, as he finds inspiration in the most unexpected places! A journey filled with music and humor, that always ends on a high note! Included: Young Mozart’s Playbook. Play and learn with the musical legend!
Young Mozart Interior Art by William Augel
Young Mozart Interior Art by William Augel
Young Mozart Interior Art by William Augel
Young Mozart Interior Art by William Augel