Exclusive Preview: James Stokoe’s Xenomorph Terror Concludes in Aliens: Dead Orbit #4
Main Art by James Stokoe
It took Orc Stain and Wonton Soup creator James Stokoe the better part of 2017 to finish his take on Ridley Scott’s iconic Xenomorphs, but who can complain when it looks like it does in the exclusive preview pages below? We felt confident enough in Stokoe’s compulsively detailed style and claustrophobic terror to add it to our Best Horror Comics before the Dark Horse Comics mini-series even concluded, and now readers can find out how lone engineer Wascylewski’s battle with two hungry Xenomorphs wraps up when Aliens: Dead Orbit #4 hits stands December 13th. For more on Stokoe’s time with the Aliens franchise, check out our interview with him from earlier this year.
Aliens: Dead Orbit #4 Cover Art by James Stokoe
Aliens: Dead Orbit #4 Interior Art by James Stokoe
Aliens: Dead Orbit #4 Interior Art by James Stokoe
Aliens: Dead Orbit #4 Interior Art by James Stokoe
Aliens: Dead Orbit #4 Interior Art by James Stokoe